Not sure how you disagree with a post when you're unsure of it's content but you continue to surprise, anyway...Neither of those guys supported the work of the National Committee. Neither of those guys were on the committee yet they knew better than those that were. Neither of those guys raised any objection at the two-man review panel.
I disagreed simply with the notion that, whoever you were referring to, only opposed the 2013 contract proposals for political purposes for an election in 2016.
Are you really going to pretend that these two men, by virtue of International aspirations, were successful in causing 18 supplements to fail, 3 years prior to the election?
Come on Man.
Both of those fellows had International ambition. One had already challenged the IBT leadership.
Tim worked out a supplement (or his biggest mistake Liam did) that was accepted by his members. Unlike Tim, Fred wasn't accepting anything. He kept moving the goalposts, even after UPS agreed to additional demands. In the long run he caused a lesser agreement for L89.
If they did, or they still do have "International ambition", that doesn't make them heretics, nor does it validate the International for imposing a lesser agreement for Local 89.
What kind of backwards notion is it, that if you challenge the incumbents, your members will suffer; by virtue of the same organization duty bound to protect and serve it?
Talk about throwing out the baby with the bath water?
How hard would it have been for the IBT to convince UPS to put the better offers back on the table before they imposed?
If it was on the table once, why would UPS oppose, if it would close the deal?
But no, spite ruled the day and spoiled milk for those who dared to swim upstream.
In the end, I don't and won't buy into this "moving goal post" rhetoric for one simple reason....
....I went there and spoke with the members and they were fighting for better working conditions, not wages or benefits.
They weren't satisfied, so they continued to Vote No, plain and simple.
Forward to the IBT Convention and knowing he had no chance of passing any amendments to the IBT Constitution, he stumbled through the process at the Convention.
Now that was politics, as it should be.
What was a shame, and a complete embarrassment, was the actions and reactions of the red vested idiots during the "process".
Now either his act was intentional, again for effect only, or he's a complete blubbering fool, which you and I know isn't the case.
So you tell me, other than a political ploy, what was he doing? What befuddles me is how a thoughtful person, who sees conspiracies everywhere, can't see the chance that he used these processes for a personal agenda.
It was a man, Fred (we can say his name), simply representing his members during a contract negotiation three years prior to an International election.
I really don't see conspiracies everywhere, more like many within one closed rank, non-transparent organization, that needs to matriculate into the 21st century....finally.
One final thought; I wonder what would have happened if the eventual ticket for Teamsters United was as it finished, from the beginning, without the shuffling of candidates?