

Well-Known Member
Has Trump been wrong about anything? If so, then what?

donald: “168,000 fraudulent ballots printed on illegal paper (unofficial ballots)”

THE FACTS: All of that is false. The ballots were not unofficial or printed on illegal paper, and even Logan never alleged they were fraudulent.

citing “74,000 mail in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots).”

THE FACTS: No, there were no magically appearing ballots.

donals: claiming “11,000 voters were added to the voter rolls AFTER the election and still voted.”

THE FACTS: There’s nothing untoward about voters rolls growing after Election Day. The rolls are simply updated to reflect people whose provisional ballots are added to the tally after election officials verify that they were eligible to vote.


The Driver

I drive.
donald: “168,000 fraudulent ballots printed on illegal paper (unofficial ballots)”

THE FACTS: All of that is false. The ballots were not unofficial or printed on illegal paper, and even Logan never alleged they were fraudulent.

citing “74,000 mail in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots).”

THE FACTS: No, there were no magically appearing ballots.

donals: claiming “11,000 voters were added to the voter rolls AFTER the election and still voted.”

THE FACTS: There’s nothing untoward about voters rolls growing after Election Day. The rolls are simply updated to reflect people whose provisional ballots are added to the tally after election officials verify that they were eligible to vote.

I was trying to get these Trumpers to "admit" that Trump was "wrong" about telling people to get the safe, effective vaccine back in January.


Well-Known Member
"The COVID-19 virus is as harmless as the common cold and was created in a secret lab in Wuhan so the CCP could kill Americans and have global dominance but the plan was thwarted by Trump's bold leadership and operation Warp Speed to create the life-saving miracle vaccine that you would have to be a maroon to take.

Who can argue with that?"


The Driver

I drive.
Then stop your bitching and moaning.
Almost every death from this virus is their personal choice, then. I just hate to see it. Plenty of younger kids are going to lose their parents until this thing burns through the entire population.

If you haven’t been infected yet it’s just a matter of time, buddy. Good luck. Just remember your failed president won’t be there to pat you on the head after the nurses stuff a tube down your throat.


Inordinately Right
Almost every death from this virus is their personal choice, then. I just hate to see it. Plenty of younger kids are going to lose their parents until this thing burns through the entire population.

If you haven’t been infected yet it’s just a matter of time, buddy. Good luck.
Be afraid be very afraid!
You people are ridiculous.