

Bad Moon Risen'
Did you hear about the new mRNA treatment that is supposed to make mosquitos self-destruct when they contract malaria. Kinda like what happened to the ferrets when they tested mRNA vaccines on them. What else do we know of where mRNA is being experimented with?
Heard it turns some morons orange.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
I don't have to support its effectiveness. Everybody already knows that it works. It would make malaria a thing of the past around the whole world. Tens of millions of lives saved over the years, if we let it work.

There is no meaningful human risk at normal environmental exposures, or even relatively high ones. If you swim in it, you'll get vomiting or seizures, but that happens when you swim in just about any chemical.

I's not dangerous at all in normal use. Why don't you send a supporting link that there is danger to humans at normal levels? There isn't one.

It was only outlawed because some commie hippie lady was concerned that it thinned bird egg shells.
I was gonna say that! Thin eggshells! friend em!

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I don't see them working at all? We have major waves happening in front of our eyes with everyone wearing them.
I hardly ever see someone wearing a mask anymore. When I do I assume they are not vaccinated. How difficult is it to get a free shot that will save your life or a loved ones life.