
Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You have nothing.
Youā€™re basically just whining
And clearly, obsessing over me.
Itā€™s getting really, really creepy. I can handle DIDO, cause he doesnā€™t go overboard: thereā€™s something about you that screams creepy psychopath.

I know you feel especially vulnerable when an actual moderate proves you wrong again and again.

I'm what you wish you were. DIDO doesn't make you feel uncomfortable because he's a hard right Trumpee who you can correctly label without exposing your own extremism.


Sorry, but I donā€™t care anymore.
Townhall media bias: EXTREME RIGHT šŸ˜‚
Weird, old man

Netsua 3:16

I know you feel especially vulnerable when an actual moderate proves you wrong again and again.

I'm what you wish you were. DIDO doesn't make you feel uncomfortable because he's a hard right Trumpee who you can correctly label without exposing your own extremism.

El Correcto

god is dead
Iā€™m not sure what led you to believe ANY of these statements; but you certainly canā€™t back them up with any sort of evidence šŸ˜Ž
Itā€™s all attacks on my perceived ā€œcharacter;ā€ like, this is an anonymous online message board.
If you have an actual point to make; Iā€™m all about conversing and having discussion; searching for a middle ground. But your constant over analyzation of my ā€œintentionsā€ simply deflect away from any sort of actual reasonable convo.
Anyways. Carry on
Probably Obamaā€™s birthday bash.