
Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Whoops! Guess this is Czechmate for her eh, @Wally ?

A Czech folk singer who was opposed to having a coronavirus vaccine has died after deliberately contracting the virus, according to her son.

Hana Horká, of the folk band Asonance, died Sunday at the age of 57 after intentionally exposing herself to the virus at home while her son and husband were sick, according to CNN affiliate CNN Prima News.

Horká wanted to infect herself so she could be "done with Covid," her son, Jan Rek, told Prima News on Monday.


Well-Known Member
You think Putin and the Chinese don't have tapes on Biden after the millions Hunter Biden got from them? Prediction: If Putin invades Ukraine and Xi invades Taiwan we won't do a damn thing because Biden is compromised. But let's worry about Trump screwing around.
hey sherlock NATO was never supposed to expand past west germany

this is equivalent to warsaw being on mexican border...


Well-Known Member
The left excessively and inappropriately compare people to Hitler just so they can claim it's an overused comparison when people point out when the left is actually acting like Hitler.

all of us capable of evil.

nazis actually thought they were doing good. so did guys who did native american genocide.

jan 6 was far right wing coup, not left wing. US democracy (or electoral college) soon to be a thing of the past.