

Well-Known Member
More like an enemy misinformation campaign has been successful. More success like this and we will have to shut the country down because of not enough healthy workers. Of course this is the right wing strategy. We have already seen the shortages and inflated prices because of a lack of healthy workers.
We have plenty of healthy workers. We have healthy workers staying home with no symptoms.

El Correcto

god is dead
I’ll use the free tests to hopefully get a free vacation out of UPS. There are times I’m curious if I got a mild case, but I just continue going to work like a sucker instead of trying to cash out on false positives testing myself every week.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
But they don't exist, apparently. Ok, they exist, but they're for your own good. Man you guys don't read much history.
I’ve been watching a dystopian Spanish series, The Barrier, where they’re battling a norovirus. The government constantly tells the citizens that everything “is for your own good” as they lock them down.


Well-Known Member
Nope. You just repeated my point back to me. Concentration camps didn't happen over night. The mefia is the propaganda department of the Democratic party that is trying very hard to consolidate power. Whether they will ultimately succeed is somewhat besides the point. The point is the camps exist, now, and denying that they could be used for nefarious purposes in the future certainly won't stop it from happening. I think you're assuming things about what I'm writing, again.
You're the one who said the intention at the camps wasn't to hold them and feed them. In other words a Nazi style death camp. When you can show me a massive buying of guns and ammo by Leftists, of moving large groups of active duty troops into position around cities, verified leaked documents of plans to do such, etc then I'll be concerned. Until then I'm much more concerned about Hillary running a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza parlor in, where was it(?), Philadelphia.


Well-Known Member
Since then. They have put tents up in a large number of bases. The last year they have E, panded them to 70 % of the bases.
Where did you get your info, how many tents, and are there enough to house millions, and has money been authorized by the government to forcibly detain and support tens of millions of people?


I'm a star
You're the one who said the intention at the camps wasn't to hold them and feed them. In other words a Nazi style death camp. When you can show me a massive buying of guns and ammo by Leftists, of moving large groups of active duty troops into position around cities, verified leaked documents of plans to do such, etc then I'll be concerned. Until then I'm much more concerned about Hillary running a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza parlor in, where was it(?), Philadelphia.

Hey, there's lots of problems in the world. I'm not asking people to be concerned about everything. But don't pretend that concentration camps on American soil (again) aren't an affront to everything Americans are supposed to value.


Well-Known Member
I’ve been watching a dystopian Spanish series, The Barrier, where they’re battling a norovirus. The government constantly tells the citizens that everything “is for your own good” as they lock them down.
And that's part of the problem right there. Scriptwriters use well proven techniques to hit our emotional buttons to keep us interested and watching. It's great entertainment but a percentage of people take it to the next level in believing some greater truth is being revealed. I loved the Showtime series "Homeland." Turned out it was very popular with CIA employees too. I forget if it was a magazine article I read or a tv segment, but a number of CIA agents were interviewed and they pointed out a bunch of things that never happen at the CIA but they still loved the show. The show seemed so realistic that many thought this is what really goes on. And many of them so firmly believe such things that if they saw the agents denying this or that would ever happen they would immediately think coverup, they're lying, they've been sent in by the government to do this. And all of this gets amplified by the internet. Look at how many on the Left thought Trump was actively colluding with the Russians to undermine the security of the U.S. And treated anyone who didn't share their view as naive simpletons or fools or part of the conspiracy to take over the country. Our mass communications can be a force for good. Or can be used by our leaders, our media, or any group with an agenda to push a narrative to manipulate us into supporting their goals. This is the world we live in today and I'm beginning to like more and more what an elderly friend of my father's does. She turns it all off.

And for the Sportellos out there yes I see the irony of what I'm saying when I believe the last election was rigged. If actual things happen that look questionable on any given subject one has the right to look for answers. I can point to a number of things Trump was doing as President that the powers that be didn't like and I believe that ultimately led to many in power on both sides of the aisle deciding he had to go. And manipulated voters to get enough to vote for Biden and MAY have manufactured enough votes to make up the difference. I say may because ultimately I don't know. And neither do you.


Well-Known Member
Hey, there's lots of problems in the world. I'm not asking people to be concerned about everything. But don't pretend that concentration camps on American soil (again) aren't an affront to everything Americans are supposed to value.
When did I pretend such? My point is the logistics and secrecy involved in such an operation isn't obtainable. What happened in WWII with Japanese Americans was no secret. It was our government scared that they weren't loyal to this country and openly rounded them up. It was a different time where whites had complete control of everything and were paranoid about anyone different than them. And it was racist because we never saw that distrust toward German Americans. Many of our greatest military leaders were German American. But now we're being asked on both sides to distrust and demonize everyone who disagrees with our views not only with vaccines but life in general. To the point quite a few are wondering if we're headed to a civil war. And if we continue all of this shouting past each other someday we just might be.


I'm a star
When did I pretend such? My point is the logistics and secrecy involved in such an operation isn't obtainable. What happened in WWII with Japanese Americans was no secret. It was our government scared that they weren't loyal to this country and openly rounded them up. It was a different time where whites had complete control of everything and were paranoid about anyone different than them. And it was racist because we never saw that distrust toward German Americans. Many of our greatest military leaders were German American. But now we're being asked on both sides to distrust and demonize everyone who disagrees with our views not only with vaccines but life in general. To the point quite a few are wondering if we're headed to a civil war. And if we continue all of this shouting past each other someday we just might be.

You're still denying that it's happening. That's on you. I'm not going to try to convince you further.


Strength through joy

Restrictions including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home requirements will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday. Johnson also suggested that self-isolation rules may also be thrown out at the end of March as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic becomes endemic.

Effective immediately, the UK government is no longer asking people to work from home. The COVID pass mandate for nightclubs and large events won’t be renewed when it expires on Jan. 26. And from Thursday, indoor mask-wearing will no longer be compulsory anywhere in England.

The requirement for secondary school pupils to wear masks during class and in communal areas will also be removed from the Department for Education’s national guidance


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

Restrictions including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home requirements will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday. Johnson also suggested that self-isolation rules may also be thrown out at the end of March as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic becomes endemic.

Effective immediately, the UK government is no longer asking people to work from home. The COVID pass mandate for nightclubs and large events won’t be renewed when it expires on Jan. 26. And from Thursday, indoor mask-wearing will no longer be compulsory anywhere in England.

The requirement for secondary school pupils to wear masks during class and in communal areas will also be removed from the Department for Education’s national guidance
Meanwhile in America the idiots are still mandating masks