

Well-Known Member
ralph nader has some guests on his show, i forget the name, but i would know it if i scrolled through the shows
I was asking if you think China should continue zero Covid, lockdowns, etc. You said "you know where to look". And that means that Ralph Nader knows what's best for China? But you forgot what he said about it?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
And? I guess if anything it proves, they’re willing to listen to the truth from anyone even people, they don’t agree politically unlike yourself.
Anyone that disagrees with those commies is automatically labeled a right wing extremist. Berenson is not a conservative. But he tells the truth which scalds the left wing cats.


Well-Known Member
Alex Berenson is not an expert on COVID.

Alexander Norman Berenson[2] (born January 6, 1973) is an American writer who was a reporter for The New York Times, and has authored several thriller novels as well a book on corporate financial filings. His 2019 book Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence sparked controversy, earning denunciations from many in the scientific and medical communities.[3][4][5][6][7]

During the coronavirus pandemic, Berenson appeared frequently in American right-wing media, spreading false claims about COVID-19 and its vaccines.[8] He spent much of the pandemic arguing that its seriousness was overblown; once COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, he made false claims about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.[9][10][11][12]
Twitter and other platforms were working overtime to prevent any criticism of the vaccines. Berenson and others were just pointing out the obvious. Fauci, Biden and others were saying the vaccines would prevent even catching the virus. That proved to be demonstrably false. You like to use the moving goalposts meme but that was exactly what the vaccine promoters were doing. And now all over the world we are having young, healthy, even World class athletes dropping dead and the vaccine promoters are trying to prevent any connection to what they were pushing. Excess deaths is a real thing. As of right now that doesn't mean all who were vaccinated will drop dead but it does mean that these vaccines were rushed to market way too fast and that has proven deadly to enough people to get most new vaccines pulled but strangely not these. If you don't want conspiracy theories then don't act in such a way that breeds conspiracy theories.


I'm a star
I don’t think that’s what he said at all. I think he said he was right about vaccines and wrong about a lot of other things.🤷‍♂️

That guy makes up his own, massively incorrect, versions of what I say, and no amount of correction from me will ever set him straight. So I just ignore him, cause who needs the aggravation? People like him need to stay off the internet, imo.