

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Strength through joy
Some details are lacking in this report.

The Steamship Authority shared Thursday that service on M/V Governor would stop after 12:20 p.m. so the crew could transport the M/V Island Home back to port due to a COVID issue amongst the staff.
The Steamship Authority faces staffing issues on Friday morning as well. M/V Governor trips departing from Vineyard Haven through 11:05 a.m. will be through 11:05 a.m.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Sure, let’s blame the increase in suicides on guns and not the fact that people were locked in their houses for a few years and lost everything. Let’s not blame the fact that depression increased drastically with people not being able to see family and friends due to lock downs. Or them having to deal with losing loved ones who died alone in hospitals. Or those who lost their jobs and homes because they refused a mandatory vaccination. Guns were just a quick and easy means to an end. If they weren’t available, people would find another way to commit suicide.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

Sure, let’s blame the increase in suicides on guns and not the fact that people were locked in their houses for a few years and lost everything. Let’s not blame the fact that depression increased drastically with people not being able to see family and friends due to lock downs. Or them having to deal with losing loved ones who died alone in hospitals. Or those who lost their jobs and homes because they refused a mandatory vaccination. Guns were just a quick and easy means to an end. If they weren’t available, people would find another way to commit suicide.
That’s why I lock my guns up at night, I don’t want them shooting me in my sleep. What clowns.


Well-Known Member

Sure, let’s blame the increase in suicides on guns and not the fact that people were locked in their houses for a few years and lost everything. Let’s not blame the fact that depression increased drastically with people not being able to see family and friends due to lock downs. Or them having to deal with losing loved ones who died alone in hospitals. Or those who lost their jobs and homes because they refused a mandatory vaccination. Guns were just a quick and easy means to an end. If they weren’t available, people would find another way to commit suicide.
Chris hedges wrote a book called america the farewell tour which details the gambling, addiction, loneliness, debt, low wages, mass shootings and corruption which plague america leading to death

Life expectancy is at a 20 year low . it was slowly dropping beginning in obama admin but it really fell with covid. how much did it cost for people who went into the hospital with covid?



Well-Known Member
Chris hedges wrote a book called america the farewell tour which details the gambling, addiction, loneliness, debt, low wages, mass shootings and corruption which plague america leading to death

Life expectancy is at a 20 year low . it was slowly dropping beginning in obama admin but it really fell with covid. how much did it cost for people who went into the hospital with covid?

View attachment 442265

So what’s your solution?


Well-Known Member
So what’s your solution?
it all comes down to social movements putting pressure on politicians and corporations to fix the system in different ways.

im not sure suicide is a huge problem in america when i look it up...i mean it should be lower because america is the richest country on earth but you are not russia.



Well-Known Member
66% of gun deaths in america are suicide and america has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world. not to say if america didnt have guns they wouldnt be committing suicide by drugs.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Chris hedges wrote a book called america the farewell tour which details the gambling, addiction, loneliness, debt, low wages, mass shootings and corruption which plague america leading to death

Life expectancy is at a 20 year low . it was slowly dropping beginning in obama admin but it really fell with covid. how much did it cost for people who went into the hospital with covid?

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