
Box Ox

Well-Known Member
US terrorism. US sanctions killed 500,000 kids in iraq in the 1990s:

Rep. Ilhan Omar

We need to suspend these sanctions before more lives are lost
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Hoda Katebi هدی کاتبی
· Mar 12
I'm terrified. My aunt is a doctor in Iran. Bc of sanctions there is a MASSIVE shortage of medical supplies, including face masks. She keeps giving her face mask to other docs bc there aren't enough for everyone. For the love of GOD we need to end sanctions on Iran NOW. #COVID19
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Lotta good Persians. But being that Iranian-backed militias are still killing US troops in Iraq, their leadership and their country can get :censored2:ed backwards.

Suggest they try changing their habits to mitigate the outbreak however they can. Including keeping their biggest :censored2: heads from licking their shrines.



Well-Known Member
Lotta good Persians. But being that Iranian-backed militias are still killing US troops in Iraq, their leadership and their country can get :censored2:ed backwards.

Suggest they try changing their habits to mitigate the outbreak however they can. Including keeping their biggest :censored2: heads from licking their shrines.

US troops in iraq...gee i wonder what they are doing there.

i dont recall iran overthrowing any american governments either...


Well-Known Member
sad. thats alot of dead people. im concerned for my parents.

Public Citizen Retweeted

Andy Slavitt

Mar 12
Currently experts expect over 1 million deaths in the U.S. since the virus was not contained & we cannot even test for it. This will be recorded as a major preventable public health disaster. I will try to relate what I learned from a long day of calls about what is happening.


Inordinately Right
Steve Peoples

I'm presenting mild symptoms (headache, mild fever, mild cough) and want to get tested in north Jersey. Primary care tells me to go to ER. ER tells me to call city health dept. Health dept tells me to go to urgent care. Urgent care tells me to go to ER. Everyone says no tests.
The guy has a cold and he wants to be tested for the Wuhan Virus? Why?
Take a midol d*bag.

Idiots like that are hogging resources and endangering people who actually need to be tested because they are in a group susceptible to serious symptoms.


Well-Known Member
yea its amazing listening to US health insurance debate on the radio:

Public Citizen

Mar 12
Health insurance lobbyists are now saying they would waive copays for the coronavirus test, but not the treatment. You can find out if you're infected with a global pandemic for free but you'll be charged if you try to survive it.


Well-Known Member

Briahna Joy Gray

Mar 12
Unfortunately, our healthcare system does discriminate. When politicians design plans that leave millions behind, they are conceding millions of low income, disproportionately Black and Brown lives. #medicareforall covers everyone. Joe Biden doesn’t support Medicare for all.
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Symone D. Sanders
· Mar 12
.@JoeBiden - “The coronavirus does not discriminate based on national origin, race, gender, or zip code”

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
yea its amazing listening to US health insurance debate on the radio:

Public Citizen

Mar 12
Health insurance lobbyists are now saying they would waive copays for the coronavirus test, but not the treatment. You can find out if you're infected with a global pandemic for free but you'll be charged if you try to survive it.

For me, healthcare is probably the issue that abortion is for staunch Republicans. Anything this crisis can do to encourage healthcare reform is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
"The nursing home and assisted care industry which warehouses 2.5 million elderly Americans – most of them on Medicare - has long been a national scandal. According to the New York Times, an incredible 380,000nursing home patients die every year from facilities’ neglect of basic infection control procedures. Many homes – particularly in Southern states - find it cheaper to pay fines for sanitary violations than to hire additional staff and provide them with proper training. Now, as the Seattle example warns, dozens, perhaps hundreds more nursing homes will become corona virus hotspots and their minimum-wage employees will rationally choose to protect their own families by staying home. In such a case the system could collapse and we shouldn’t expect the National Guard to empty bedpans.

The outbreak has instantly exposed the stark class divide in healthcare: those with good health plans who can also work or teach from home are comfortably isolated provided they follow prudent safeguards. Public employees and other groups of unionized workers with decent coverage will have to make difficult choices between income and protection. Meanwhile millions of low wage service workers, farm employees, uncovered contingent workers, the unemployed and the homeless will be thrown to the wolves. Even if the Washington ultimately resolves the testing fiasco and provides adequate numbers of kits, the uninsured will still have to pay doctors or hospitals for administrating the tests. Overall family medical bills will soar at the same time that millions of workers are losing their jobs and their employer-provided insurance. Could there possibly be a stronger, more urgent case in favor of Medicare for All?"

Mike Davis on COVID-19: The monster is at the door

i recall hearing this on frontline:

"But universal coverage is only a first step. It’s disappointing, to say the least, that in the primary debates neither Sanders or Warren has highlighted Big Pharma’s abdication of the research and development of new antibiotics and antivirals. Of the 18 largest pharmaceutical companies, 15 have totally abandoned the field. "