

BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Me, too.
It's difficult for the anti vax camp to admit that it did save lives.
A lot of the anger is misdirected. It should be solely aimed at those who wanted to force vaccination on the masses and the energy these people expended to do it. This includes forced masking which was proved to be sheer folly. Any debate, mostly for political reasons, was shut down, this includes the leftist media.

Impossible to prove.
We do know the first wave stopped just as vaccination went widespread, and it stopped fast. It makes sense that the virus quickly continued it's evolution into its current more spreadable, and milder form.
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Well-Known Member
It was OK for higher risk patients but should have never been forced on everyone else. Then there was the matter of their lies and constantly changing narrative also.
The issue was to me was never if people wanted to take the vaccine. Understandable. The fear was being pushed hard. The issue is the people who lied, spread misinformation, and then agreed with those that wanted to deny people healthcare, and celebrated peoples deaths who they felt more should be “following orders” And now they pretend they’re against it. Sick.


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Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
This the guy? Gambled and lost, anyway, his choice. RIP.

It makes for a good headline, but there is no way to prove he wouldn’t have died if he took the jab. They could have made story after story of people that got the jab but still died of COVID. That is what was so great about lowering the bar to a point that could never be proven. “It lessens the symptoms” How do you prove how much worse it would have been without the jab. It would be like taking a small pox vaccine and then someone is covered everywhere except the legs and then you say “see it worked, he would of had pox even on his legs if he didn’t get the shot.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It makes for a good headline, but there is no way to prove he wouldn’t have died if he took the jab. They could have made story after story of people that got the jab but still died of COVID. That is what was so great about lowering the bar to a point that could never be proven. “It lessens the symptoms” How do you prove how much worse it would of been without the jab.
Correct, and it would be sick for people to mock the deaths of people who got the Covid vaccine if they didn’t agree with it. The real virus was some people on here who took pleasure in other deaths that they did not agree with, showing a level of ignorance that is unbelievable.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Maybe, maybe not. But it’s Quite different to celebrate a death of anyone whether you agree with their stances or not. Especially., with much of what is known now.
Can't be blasting the vaccine then croaking. Looks bad. The dude was a diabetic, the exact high risk patient that should have taken it, but that's just my opinion.