

Inordinately Right
Two Wong's don't make a right.
I agree, it's time for Democrats to stop blaming Trump for China's crimes against humanity.

China Is Not the Hero of the Pandemic

China’s endangering of the world with its initial incompetence is certainly more to blame. Some of Trump’s fiercest public critics, however, have in their condemnations of the president remarkably ignored China’s faults or even praised the Chinese Communist Party’s response. In doing so, they are propagating falsehoods—and Chinese propaganda.


Engorged Member
That's a stupid number ... the actual is 4.8%. LOL

SMH ... if MAK and Backup agree with you, you should realize you are friend:censored2:king dead wrong and in this case ... really stupid.

Obviously, you aren't good with numbers.

309 deaths / 6424 cases = 4.8% mortality rate
and that with many, many with the disease and not recorded.

Hey OMJ. Would you acknowledge we don't have good numbers because we don't have adequate testing? The real numbers of infected are probably much higher, so the deaths are more or less accurate, not the cases.


Strength through joy
A friend in GA yesterday drove to Costco in Jacksonville FL, a normal bi-weekly trip. There are signs directing all vehicles except commercial trucks to pull into an empty rest stop. The State of Florida is inspecting all vehicle entering the state. Seeing my friend's GA plates, they were waved thru. Others weren't so lucky. However there are no check points for vehicles leaving FL.


Well-Known Member
A friend in GA yesterday drove to Costco in Jacksonville FL, a normal bi-weekly trip. There are signs directing all vehicles except commercial trucks to pull into an empty rest stop. The State of Florida is inspecting all vehicle entering the state. Seeing my friend's GA plates, they were waved thru. Others weren't so lucky. However there are no check points for vehicles leaving FL.
My Dad and step mom lived in Folkston, GA for awhile. They used to do that drive to Jacksonville regular too.


Well-Known Member
One thing I find not surprising about this horrifying situation is how trump fans and trump himself goes from saying the democratic party and the media is making too big of a deal about coronavirus to hurt trump's re-election campaign, to now pretending that no one took the threat of coronavirus seriously. Think about the level of cognitive dissonance/dishonesty/delusional thinking it takes to go from saying Dems are taking the virus too seriously and exaggerating the threat of coronavirus to hurt trump, and the next day without missing a beat saying oh, no one was taking this seriously, no one thought it was a threat or would be bad and therefore no one could have done a better job than trump. Smh.


Well-Known Member
Trump had 3 things he had to do, and he failed to do any of them, get testing early, tell the public early that we need to social distance and encourage states, cities, businesses, to shut down and not have large public gatherings, and to secure medical equipment. Objective reality, trump didn't do any of those things. And the one thing he thought would prevent the spread of the virus, keeping out Chinese tourists failed to stop the spread of the virus.


Well-Known Member
One thing I find not surprising about this horrifying situation is how trump fans and trump himself goes from saying the democratic party and the media is making too big of a deal about coronavirus to hurt trump's re-election campaign, to now pretending that no one took the threat of coronavirus seriously. Think about the level of cognitive dissonance/dishonesty/delusional thinking it takes to go from saying Dems are taking the virus too seriously and exaggerating the threat of coronavirus to hurt trump, and the next day without missing a beat saying oh, no one was taking this seriously, no one thought it was a threat or would be bad and therefore no one could have done a better job than trump. Smh.
Who has said that no one could have done a better job? We're just pointing out that while y'all are putting everything on Trump your own Dem leaders were encouraging exactly the behavior that causes a virus to spread rapidly while saying the virus posed little threat. And attacked efforts Trump made early on as xenophobic and racist. Strange that the Chinese let 5 million people from Wuhan travel around their country and the world for the Chinese New Year holiday in spite of knowing about the virus yet you don't attack them, just the guy who tried to stop them from coming here.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Trump had 3 things he had to do, and he failed to do any of them, get testing early, tell the public early that we need to social distance and encourage states, cities, businesses, to shut down and not have large public gatherings, and to secure medical equipment. Objective reality, trump didn't do any of those things. And the one thing he thought would prevent the spread of the virus, keeping out Chinese tourists failed to stop the spread of the virus.
What’s Trump going to do wrong tomorrow? Next Thursday?

Specifics please. Not generalizations. You will be held accountable for the accuracy of your answers.

Hindsight is always 20/20. Any :censored2: can criticize the mistakes of others. Right?


Well-Known Member
doesnt living in an apartment put you at high risk for developing corona virus? all the elevator buttons and lobby are going to be contaminated.

an economist i love with all my heart moved out of NYC because of the disaster. maybe hes renting a house now.