

Well-Known Member
trump :censored2:ed up, now hundreds of thousands of people are going to die:



Strength through joy
Residents in Texas city can face $1,000 fine for not wearing 'some form of covering over their nose and mouth' after new motion

Under a motion passed by the city council in Laredo, Texas, earlier this week, residents in the town can now face a fine of up to $1,000 for not wearing some form of covering on their nose and mouth in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.

According to the Laredo Morning Times, council members passed the motion in a vote earlier this week. As part of the measure, all residents over the age of 5 are required to have their nose and mouth covered when entering public buildings, using public transportation and when pumping gas, the body said in a notice detailing the motion, which went into effect Thursday.

Under the curfew, which lasts from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., residents “will be required to stay in their homes during this time and may only leave for essential trips and necessities.”

“Those who must work during those hours will be exempt from this ordinance, but must show proof such as an I.D. or a letter from their employer. Laredo Police Officers will be enforcing this ordinance and may use their discretion,” the notice continues.

Those who violate the order could face a fine of up to $1,000 or “confinement in jail for a period not exceeding 180 days,” the notice adds.


Well-Known Member
Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration has requested an emergency supply of the drugs President Trump touted as having success treating patients with severe symptoms of the novel COVID-19, in a reversal from the state’s directive to medical professionals last week to avoid the medication for this purpose.

Michigan, this week, requested hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine from the Strategic National Stockpile for physicians to use to help treat patients with COVID-19, after the Food and Drug Administration over the weekend granted an emergency use authorization for the anti-malarial drugs.

But last week, Whitmer’s administration threatened physicians prescribing the drugs, saying they were subject to “administrative action” should they continue to use the medication.
Hopefully it works on 8 strains


Inordinately Right
It’s like a damm over flowing with water. Once it’s starts hard to stop
You suggested cities send their dead bodies to uninfected areas. That's not a damn overflowing it's opening the gates.

Not sure why you're suggesting small pox blankets are a good idea, other than you're just venting anger? There's a communist country called China you can be upset with if you need to vent, because they're to blame for all this.


Strength through joy
Why did leadership of those cities fail their people? Why would they want to spread their failure to other people?
Must be somewhere a massive pit that needs to be filled.
Or one of those burning coal mines could be used as an instant cremation resource. Slide the body into the burning ground and let nature do the work.


Inordinately Right
Must be somewhere a massive pit that needs to be filled.
Or one of those burning coal mines could be used as an instant cremation resource. Slide the body into the burning ground and let nature do the work.
All they have to do is loosen regulations about how many bodies can go in the fridge. That's one of the problems with excessive top down governmental regulation, it makes it impossible to adapt to changing conditions.


Strength through joy
The New England Patriots may or may not play football this year, but their team plane is playing a vital role in America’s life-or-death fight against the coronavirus.

The Patriots team plane is being used to transport 1.2 million N95 masks from China, to the United States.

As the Wall Street Journal reports, the purchase came about after Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker asked the Patriots for their help in acquiring the masks.

“I’ve never seen so much red tape in so many ways and obstacles that we had to overcome,” Patriots Owner Robert Kraft said. “In today’s world, those of us who are fortunate to make a difference have a significant responsibility to do so with all the assets we have available to us.”

The Kraft family also pitched-in financially, by paying $2 million of the costs associated in acquiring the masks. Initially, 1.7 million masks were ordered, but the plane could only fit 1.2 million. The remaining masks will be flown over on a subsequent flight.


Well-Known Member
5,556 dead Americans. 232,000 known infected. Trump has now set records for unemployment highs. He’s also trashed 50% of our 401ks. Trumps America!

My 401k is up for the year, and Trump handled this better than any of his critics would have.

It doesn't matter if he could've done better. What matters is that none of his critics could do better.

El Correcto

god is dead
All they have to do is loosen regulations about how many bodies can go in the fridge. That's one of the problems with excessive top down governmental regulation, it makes it impossible to adapt to changing conditions.
That’s what I’ve been thinking. They are freaking out about running out of supplies, gloves, face masks, etc. how many times have you seen a nurse treat these items as a single use tossing them as soon as they are done with you.

A lot needs to change, they are just flushing valuable resources in the name of bureaucracy and liability.


Engorged Member
Why did we shut down the private sector just to turn around and propose creating a bunch of public sector funded shovel ready jobs?

Hello. There is a pandemic raging with the potential to kill hundreds of thousands. The private sector needs to be shut down in order to provide social distancing, which has been the only successful strategy so far to contain the outbreak.

When the economy "reopens", there is going to be a huge need for jobs, many of which won't be coming back anytime soon. Think the Big 3 or Boeing, or the fracking industry.

If Trump pushes through an Infrastructure Plan, it would serve the same purpose as the WPA and CCC did during The Great Depression...providing employment, and helping to rebuild critical infrastructure. The BPA and TVA were both government shovel-ready jobs programs that actually created incredible long-term value and helped a slumping national economy. WW2 ultimately brought us out of The Depression, not government programs. Maybe Trump is planning WW3 to save the economy and will declare war on "GINA".

I know you have zero clue what I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
You suggested cities send their dead bodies to uninfected areas. That's not a damn overflowing it's opening the gates.

Not sure why you're suggesting small pox blankets are a good idea, other than you're just venting anger? There's a communist country called China you can be upset with if you need to vent, because they're to blame for all this.
You are right. To get those country guys to realize this is not a game. Similar method the allies did to Germans made German citizens walk to the death camps and see the dead with eyes. They believe it’s only a flu they show them it’s worse than the flu


Well-Known Member
Care to tell us how Trump should be held personally responsible for any of the 5,152 deaths?
Through ignorance, misinformation, lies and most of all :censored2: poor management. It's not really the 5k currently it's the second 100k him and his garbage administration will have caused. Honestly I expected worse, but it seems some smart people are getting him to listen. Thank God for most local and State governments stepping up to the plate.