
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Weren't most of the cases in Georgia clustered in a small town
Albany in Dougherty county in Southwest Georgia.
So far, 80 deaths from attending a funeral

Dougherty County (pop. 90,000) still finds itself, for now, with the state’s highest concentration per capita of patients known to be infected with COVID-19.

Georgia Department of Public Health COVID-19 Daily Status Report
As of this afternoon, (updated 4/7/20)
Dougherty county has 722 cases with 44 dead.
Lee county has 148 cases with 13 dead.
Terrell county has 66 cases with 8 dead.
Calhoun county has 20 cases with 1 dead
Baker county has 5 cases with 1 dead.
Mitchell county has 59 cases with 10 dead.
Worth county has 39 cases with 3 dead.

Confirmed Cases: No. Cases (%)
Total ______7558 (100%)
Hospitalized_1393 (18.43%)
Deaths _____294 (3.89%)

Age: 60 and over
Cases - 35%
Deaths - 86%

Georgia Map of COVID-19 cases 06April20.JPG
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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
FOX NEWS crucified Obama, the WAPO was more reality based, but they nailed him too.

The NY TIMES was particularly abusive of Obama...they called him out on just about everything.

I was there, I can’t remember any news outlet giving Obama a ‘pass’.

Unless you’re talking CNN or MSNBC.

It’s nothing like the pass that FOX NEWS is giving Trump.

Wait till you see the pass OAN (One America News) is giving Trump at press briefings. Slurp slurp slurp. LOLLLLL



Well-Known Member
nothing that says they caught it at work but thanks for the conspiracy theory

youre right nothing in the article said he caught it at work, wasn't a conspiracy theory though. its still business as usual. so I guess when the next one passes away that was in his work area would that be considered catching it at work in your opinion?


Well-Known Member
I really wish they would get an antibody test, if they would get that, they could figure out who is immune, whos had it and recovered etc. Then they could start reopening businesses that are closed with those people etc. just my thought.


Well-Known Member
Albany in Dougherty county in Southwest Georgia.
So far, 80 deaths from attending a funeral

Dougherty County (pop. 90,000) still finds itself, for now, with the state’s highest concentration per capita of patients known to be infected with COVID-19.

As of this afternoon, (updated 4/3/20)
Dougherty county has 722 cases with 44 dead.
Lee county has 148 cases with 13 dead.
Terrell county has 66 cases with 8 dead.
Calhoun county has 20 cases with 1 dead
Baker county has 5 cases with 1 dead.
Mitchell county has 59 cases with 10 dead.
Worth county has 39 cases with 3 dead.

Confirmed Cases: No. Cases (%)
Total ______7558 (100%)
Hospitalized_1393 (18.43%)
Deaths _____294 (3.89%)

View attachment 290170

Unfortunately, this virus is gonna RAGE through the southern states, and the western states.

Sad, really.

If there’s even one case in your state, it’s gonna pop.

Just saying.


cap'n crunch
youre right nothing in the article said he caught it at work, wasn't a conspiracy theory though. its still business as usual. so I guess when the next one passes away that was in his work area would that be considered catching it at work in your opinion?
One of our sleeper team drivers tested positive. He thinks he caught it after going to a hub in NJ. Doesn't really matter where to catch it. You bring it back with you and spread it around.


Well-Known Member
You can't rush an antibody. It takes MONTHS.

I am aware, I just said I wish they would get one. personally, and im sure ill get flamed for this... Im pretty sure ive already had the virus and half of my co workers. in late February something went through our department, a lot of us got it. first symptom I had was a sore throat, then a fever then progressed to a hard core cough that lasted 2 weeks. we had guys taking off work who NEVER call in. the only reason I suspect this is a possibility is because we had engineers coming in here weekly from seattle. They estimate 759K people entered the US from china between December-February. These engineers were flying commercial flights from seattle to our location. If I could get an antibody test to see if that's what I had I would stop wearing this stupid ass mask.


Well-Known Member
Albany in Dougherty county in Southwest Georgia.
So far, 80 deaths from attending a funeral

Dougherty County (pop. 90,000) still finds itself, for now, with the state’s highest concentration per capita of patients known to be infected with COVID-19.

Georgia Department of Public Health COVID-19 Daily Status Report
As of this afternoon, (updated 4/7/20)
Dougherty county has 722 cases with 44 dead.
Lee county has 148 cases with 13 dead.
Terrell county has 66 cases with 8 dead.
Calhoun county has 20 cases with 1 dead
Baker county has 5 cases with 1 dead.
Mitchell county has 59 cases with 10 dead.
Worth county has 39 cases with 3 dead.

Confirmed Cases: No. Cases (%)
Total ______7558 (100%)
Hospitalized_1393 (18.43%)
Deaths _____294 (3.89%)

View attachment 290171

So, it’s raging through your state.

It’s gonna rage through every state.

You understand how exponential virus replication works, right?

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
I am aware, I just said I wish they would get one. personally, and im sure ill get flamed for this... Im pretty sure ive already had the virus and half of my co workers. in late February something went through our department, a lot of us got it. first symptom I had was a sore throat, then a fever then progressed to a hard core cough that lasted 2 weeks. we had guys taking off work who NEVER call in. the only reason I suspect this is a possibility is because we had engineers coming in here weekly from seattle. They estimate 759K people entered the US from china between December-February. These engineers were flying commercial flights from seattle to our location. If I could get an antibody test to see if that's what I had I would stop wearing this stupid ass mask.
You can't be sure you have had it unless you get tested. Don't fall into the trap of being Asymptomatic.


Well-Known Member
One of our sleeper team drivers tested positive. He thinks he caught it after going to a hub in NJ. Doesn't really matter where to catch it. You bring it back with you and spread it around.

Completely agree, I was just being told I was pushing a conspiracy theory which I am not.


Well-Known Member
You can't be sure you have had it unless you get tested. Don't fall into the trap of being Asymptomatic.

Problem is, you can have it and be generally asymptomatic, and still be spreading it.

Tell a UPS driver that the symptoms include muscle fatigue, aches in the morning, and a dry cough.

Bingo, that’s 90% of Drivers.

Unless there’s widespread testing, who knows?

I could be positive and be part of the 50-70%? that feel generally fine, yet are asymptomatic spreaders, and I would have no idea.

It’s a sneaky virus.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Problem is, you can have it and be generally asymptomatic, and still be spreading it.

Tell a UPS driver that the symptoms include muscle fatigue, aches in the morning, and a dry cough.

Bingo, that’s 90% of Drivers.

Unless there’s widespread testing, who knows?

I could be positive and be part of the 50-70%? that feel generally fine, yet are asymptomatic spreaders, and I would have no idea.

It’s a sneaky virus.
It is. I just ain't worried my man.


Well-Known Member
I see what you did there.

Fact remains, Chicago is popping, Georgia is popping, Louisiana is popping...

It’s just a matter of time before Arkansas, South Carolina, and Missouri pop.

It’s in every state, I don’t know why you think Georgia or North Carolina won’t reach a critical status.

You’re just a month behind...