

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

El Correcto

god is dead
Trump, Feb. 27: Trump hails his administration’s handling of the coronavirus, and while he does reveal a hint of uncertainty, he says: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.”

Trump, Feb. 28: Trump shouts at a rally in South Carolina that Democrats’ criticism of his response (which proved entirely accurate) is “their new hoax.”

Biden, Feb. 28: Biden goes on CNN and says Trump has yet to “gain control” of the coronavirus, while calling on Trump to stop downplaying it and urging him instead to “let the experts take this over” and “let the experts speak.”

Trump, March 9: Trump dismissively compares the coronavirus with flu, claiming flu kills tens of thousands annually and that “life & the economy go on.”

Trump, March 10: Trump again hails the “great job” he’s doing on the coronavirus, and declares: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

Biden, March 12: Biden gives a speech stressing the importance of presidential truth-telling amid crises, noting that Trump’s ongoing falsifications risk leaving Americans without reliable guidance, compounding “public fears.”

Trump, March 13: Asked about the administration’s epic failure to ramp up testing, Trump declares: “I don’t take responsibility at all.”

Biden, March 15: Biden responds to that Trump quote by reiterating his call for widespread free testing, and by declaring: “It is the job of the president to take responsibility — and his response is unacceptable.”

Trump, March 17: After all that, Trump preposterously proclaims: “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

It’s worth stressing that all this public dismissiveness by Trump reflects a mind-set that has had horrifying and extensive real-world consequences.
Weird how it doesn’t mention Biden back tracked and said Trump should of locked down travel from China faster.
Is this another salon article or something?


Well-Known Member
youre right nothing in the article said he caught it at work, wasn't a conspiracy theory though. its still business as usual. so I guess when the next one passes away that was in his work area would that be considered catching it at work in your opinion?

I'm hearing so much crazy :censored2: about how you can catch it that I have become a germaphobe in the last couple of weeks wearing gloves , masks and hand sanitizing and washing like crazy.

work is definitely one place I can catch it but that's not a definite that it happened there. If you do the community investigation and find that people are catching it from each other at work then yes you have a problem there.

I also see a lot of people in the stores that are clearly not taking this threat seriously, I still see people having conversations where their face to face, people doing the bro hug etc.

I am no expert on this but I think people are probably catching it when they don't take the threat seriously


Well-Known Member
FOX NEWS crucified Obama, the WAPO was more reality based, but they nailed him too.

The NY TIMES was particularly abusive of Obama...they called him out on just about everything.

I was there, I can’t remember any news outlet giving Obama a ‘pass’.

Unless you’re talking CNN or MSNBC.

It’s nothing like the pass that FOX NEWS is giving Trump.

total fabrication


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Weird how it doesn’t mention Biden back tracked and said Trump should of locked down travel from China faster.
Is this another salon article or something?

How does anything Biden say change the FACTS of what tRump has done or said?


Well-Known Member
I really wish they would get an antibody test, if they would get that, they could figure out who is immune, whos had it and recovered etc. Then they could start reopening businesses that are closed with those people etc. just my thought.

keep in mind that china lied all the way through January about this virus and the WHO supported their dishonesty. We've basically had two months to deal with this threat and we're learning as we go. the antibody solution is one of the trials being run presently. There are many possible vaccines in the development process where it normally takes years .

two months is light speed for our medical community


Well-Known Member
One of our sleeper team drivers tested positive. He thinks he caught it after going to a hub in NJ. Doesn't really matter where to catch it. You bring it back with you and spread it around.

what kind of contact did he make with someone in NJ . did he get too close to someone?
does he know anyone at home that has it, i would look there first. it can happen in NJ but less likely with incidental contact.


Got the T-Shirt
Trump, Jan. 22: The president tells CNBC that “we have it totally under control” and “it’s going to be just fine.”

Top Biden adviser, Jan. 22: Ron Klain, a Biden adviser who managed the 2014 Ebola response, co-writes a piece excoriating Trump for “brashly” dismissing coronavirus as “under control,” while calling for “expertise” to “guide critical decisions” and noting “reasons for great concern.”

Trump, Jan. 24: Trump praises and gives thanks to China for its efforts to contain the coronavirus, and adds: “It will all work out well.”

Biden, Jan. 27: Biden publishes an op-ed in USA Today hitting Trump for “shortsighted policies” that “have left us unprepared for a dangerous epidemic,” and warning that the coronavirus “will get worse before it gets better.”

Trump, Jan. 30: Trump says at a rally in Michigan: “We think we have it very well under control.”

Biden, Jan. 31: Biden tells reporters in Iowa that “science” must “lead the way,” adding: “We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus.”

Biden, Feb. 1: Biden tweets: “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science.”

Trump, Feb. 2: Trump goes on Sean Hannity’s show and claims: “We pretty much shut it down, coming in from China.” Trump extols our “tremendous relationship” with China, and adds: “We did shut it down, yes.”

Trump, Feb. 10: Trump claims that “a lot of people” think the coronavirus “goes away in April with the heat,” adding that we only have “11 cases,” and that “we’re in great shape.”

Biden, Feb. 11: Biden goes on “Morning Joe” and excoriates Trump for claiming the coronavirus will disappear in the warm weather, crossing himself while doing so, and adding: “You couldn’t make it up.”

Trump, Feb. 26: Trump claims the media is conspiring with Democrats to hype the coronavirus to rattle the markets. Trump also says the coronavirus is “going very substantially down, not up.”

Trump, Feb. 27: Trump hails his administration’s handling of the coronavirus, and while he does reveal a hint of uncertainty, he says: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.”

Trump, Feb. 28: Trump shouts at a rally in South Carolina that Democrats’ criticism of his response (which proved entirely accurate) is “their new hoax.”

Biden, Feb. 28: Biden goes on CNN and says Trump has yet to “gain control” of the coronavirus, while calling on Trump to stop downplaying it and urging him instead to “let the experts take this over” and “let the experts speak.”

Trump, March 9: Trump dismissively compares the coronavirus with flu, claiming flu kills tens of thousands annually and that “life & the economy go on.”

Trump, March 10: Trump again hails the “great job” he’s doing on the coronavirus, and declares: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

Biden, March 12: Biden gives a speech stressing the importance of presidential truth-telling amid crises, noting that Trump’s ongoing falsifications risk leaving Americans without reliable guidance, compounding “public fears.”

Trump, March 13: Asked about the administration’s epic failure to ramp up testing, Trump declares: “I don’t take responsibility at all.”

Biden, March 15: Biden responds to that Trump quote by reiterating his call for widespread free testing, and by declaring: “It is the job of the president to take responsibility — and his response is unacceptable.”

Trump, March 17: After all that, Trump preposterously proclaims: “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

It’s worth stressing that all this public dismissiveness by Trump reflects a mind-set that has had horrifying and extensive real-world consequences.



Well-Known Member
How does anything Biden say change the FACTS of what tRump has done or said?

Public response led by the opposition can affect the support for the actions the president takes.
there are times when the opposition should simply say he's the president and we need to support him and his efforts to fight this disease.


Well-Known Member
Biden, Jan. 31: Biden tells reporters in Iowa that “science” must “lead the way,” adding: “We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus.”

Biden, Feb. 1: Biden tweets: “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science.”

this is the stretch where biden criticized trump for his xenophobia in shutting down flights from china. did you intentionally omit that from your chronology because it did not fit your narrative?