

nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Read the link.
Did Trump Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

Point is, Obama had a team in place. Not just Mike Pence to follow orders.

"The claim came from a series of tweets posted by Judd Legum, who runs Popular Information, a newsletter he describes as being about “politics and power.” Legum’s commentary was representative of sharp criticism from Democratic legislators (and some Republicans) that the Trump administration had ill-prepared the country for a pandemic even as one was looming on the horizon.

Legum outlined a series of cost-cutting decisions made by the Trump administration in preceding years that had gutted the nation’s infectious disease defense infrastructure. The “pandemic response team” firing claim referred to news accounts from Spring 2018 reporting that White House officials tasked with directing a national response to a pandemic had been ousted.

Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer abruptly departed from his post leading the global health security team on the National Security Council in May 2018 amid a reorganization of the council by then-National Security Advisor John Bolton, and Ziemer’s team was disbanded. Tom Bossert, whom the Washington Post reported “had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks,” had been fired one month prior.

It’s thus true that the Trump administration axed the executive branch team responsible for coordinating a response to a pandemic and did not replace it, eliminating Ziemer’s position and reassigning others, although Bolton was the executive at the top of the National Security Council chain of command at the time."

60 total cases in the US, no deaths , effective isolation of cases. spin that


Well-Known Member
Now give us a chart that shows the mortality rate for those infected.

Fair and balanced is only right, right?

that was actually my next step and Coronavirus is also very good compared to other known maladies such as the common flu which is killing a hell of a lot more people. The problem is the biggest sampling is in china and there is some question as to the accuracy of their reported numbers. we are seeing low mortality rates in more advanced countries but the jury is still out.

it is however safe to say that I would be more worried about the flu then the coronavirus in todays world.

So far, 16,000 people have died and 280,000 people have been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season, according to preliminary estimates from the CDC.

While we won't have exact figures until after the flu season is over, the 2019-2020 vaccine is estimated to be 45% effective overall and 55% effective in children.

Flu shot better than last year, despite tough season for kids

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Now give us a chart that shows the mortality rate for those infected.

Fair and balanced is only right, right?
About 81% of people who are infected with the coronavirus have mild cases of COVID-19, according to a study published Feb. 18 by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
About 13.8% report severe illness, meaning they have shortness of breath, or require supplemental oxygen, and about 4.7% are critical, meaning they face respiratory failure, multi-organ failure or septic shock.
The data thus far suggests that around 2.3% of people infected with COVID-19 die from the virus.
People who are older or have underlying health conditions seem to be most at risk of having severe disease or complications.
While there's no need to panic, people should take steps to prepare and protect themselves and others from the new coronavirus.


I work for teamsters, UPS contracted me
With the spread of the coronavirus expanding rapidly in the US, how/are any of you doing anything extra to prevent it? I personally bought some nitrile gloves, antibacterial wash and thinking about getting a small respiratory mask. Mask is probably overkill..