

Well-Known Member
A Colorado man who died of alcohol poisoning had his death classified as due to the coronavirus, possibly shedding light on a skewed virus death toll in the state, according to a report on Thursday.

Sebastian Yellow, 35, was found dead by police on May 4. Montezuma County Coroner George Deavers later determined that his death was due to acute alcohol poisoning. His blood-alcohol content measured in at .55. The legal limit in the state is .08.

But before Deavers signed the death certificate, Colorado health officials reportedly categorized Yellow’s death as being due to COVID-19.

While Yellow later tested positive for COVID-19, Deavers said his death had nothing to do with the coronavirus.

“It wasn’t COVID, it was alcohol toxicity,” said Deavers, according to the station.”Yes, he did have COVID but that is not what took his life.”

Colorado man died of alcohol poisoning, but death was later blamed on coronavirus: report
Fake news.


I'm a star

In case the article failed to mention, he is one of the authors of the Imperial College's covid predictive study. If you actually read the study, it does not actually recommend a lock down for anything but large public gatherings (concerts and sporting event type) and schools, or stay at home orders for anyone other than infected and exposed. Where did the stay at home and business shutdown orders originate? It's a mystery.


Inordinately Right
Social distancing is out, physical distancing is in — here’s how to do it

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Monday that there is no tolerance for those defying social distancing orders and that the government could introduce measures to enforce health warnings."

Government’s COVID-19 rules don’t seem to apply to Andrew Scheer and Justin Trudeau
Stupid Europeans.

Meanwhile in the land of the free and home of the brave:

Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down state's stay-at-home order


Inordinately Right
The virus went from China to Europe and then flew in to JFK, LaGuardia and Newark before anyone here in the states was even thinking about it. Cuomo started from behind but even though the death toll is high it could have been a lot higher.

We are slowly reopening.
Deaths from the Chinese Virus could have been a lot lower if Cuomo wasn't such a failure.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
> bathroom more risk of contracting cov19. and why?