

Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
The numbers for coronavirus casualties are inflated. By how much? I dont know. I have a friend, who's family member's death certificate says Covid19, yet this person died of a brain aneurysm.

I can neither confirm nor deny the numbers and none of us can!

We rely on what our free press tells us about what the govt. and private reports.

Isn't that scary?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
The numbers for coronavirus casualties are inflated. By how much? I dont know. I have a friend, who's family member's death certificate says Covid19, yet this person died of a brain aneurysm.
Fake news. Unless the ME can document a person died directly from Covid 19. the death will be listed as natural causes. Which is true.

Poop Head

Judge me.
Fake news. Unless the ME can document a person died directly from Covid 19. the death will be listed as natural causes. Which is true.
The person died of a brain aneurysm. 100%. Cause of death on death certificate; Covid19. They forced the family to cremate this person, which was very much against this person's wishes, and the family's religious beliefs.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!


Inordinately Right
January 17: President Trump orders travelers from Wuhan to the US to be screened at airports.

January 24: President Trump holds a briefing for senators about the coronavirus. Democrats skip it for their failed impeachment hoax.

January 31: President Trump puts in place travel restrictions from China. Democrats chastise the move, calling him xenophobic.

February 29: The US has its first Wuhan Virus death.

Thank you President Trump for keeping America Great!


Well-Known Member
The U.S. accounts for 5% of the world's population.

The U.S. accounts for 30% of the COVID-19 deaths.

Feel free to play again.
China accounts for a lot more than us but they aren't being honest. And in terms of deaths per 100,000 a number of countries have been hit harder than we have.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The US has tested more than most if not all other countries. Of course there will be more confirmed cases. A mostly meaningless number.
The only numbers that mean anything is Hospitalizations and Deaths.

In fact, more cases with no increase in Hospitalizations and Deaths is a very good situation.
Herd immunity may take place before a vaccine (which causes 'man-induced' herd immunity) is developed.


I'm a star

It confirms my views, but I don't necesarily trust the source. I have not been impressed with the evidence for asymptomatic/presymptomatic transmission. The suggestion has been based on very few, and not very convincing, case studies world-wide.

This idea has been a very large part of the argument behind social distancing and mask wearing. If the information in this article continues to be confirmed, then most of the steps that have been taken, from lock downs to mask wearing, will turn out to be completely, and tragically, unnecessary. The focus, as with all respiratory illnesses, should have been on quarantining the ill, and those who have come into close contact with them.

This is not hindsight, this has been understood for a very long time. Why everyone lost their minds over this virus is something that should be looked into, and prevented in the future. Completely discredit the charlatans who have been pushing for all the wrong actions. Make all the Karens out there apologize to everyone they tried to guilt into doing completely unnecessary crap.

Of course, after backlash from people whose jobs are on the line for being so terribly wrong, the WHO "clarifies" that it is "unknown" how many asymptomatic transmissions are happening.

They went from "very rare that asympomatic carriers are spreading the virus", to, "it is unknown". Guess someone figured out exactly how much egg was going to be on so many faces that they had to scramble to prevent the statists from being ousted from positions of authority.

Also, for all of us O types, some good news:

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114,223 dead Americans, 2.047+million infected. The state of Georgia, the first state to reopen is regretting that decision as they had 77 dead and over 700 newly infected yesterday. The state of Florida had over 1.000 newly infected yesterday. The virus is just starting to rear its ugly head in the Deep South.


Inordinately Right
114,223 dead Americans, 2.047+million infected. The state of Georgia, the first state to reopen is regretting that decision as they had 77 dead and over 700 newly infected yesterday. The state of Florida had over 1.000 newly infected yesterday. The virus is just starting to rear its ugly head in the Deep South.
What does that have to do with the union?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
98,683 dead Americans, 1.66+million infected. America had another 1,000+ dead people day on Saturday.
Two hairdressers in the Show Me state exposed hundreds after reopening. This will devastate the state.
Show me state is trucking along just fine almost a month later. The virus was blowing crazy out of proportion. Take a Xanax dude


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
114,223 dead Americans, 2.047+million infected. The state of Georgia, the first state to reopen is regretting that decision as they had 77 dead and over 700 newly infected yesterday. The state of Florida had over 1.000 newly infected yesterday. The virus is just starting to rear its ugly head in the Deep South.
Those numbers are in line or even lower than where they’ve been for each of those states since mid April. And they are testing WAY more people now. So the percent of positive tests is dropping.

you literally have no idea what you’re talking about.


Staff member
While COVID-19’s progress has slowed in major cities such as New York, where most cases in the U.S. are centered, confirmed coronavirus cases have risen by double-digit percentages in 16 U.S. states that have gradually loosened restrictions since Memorial Day, an analysis by the Washington Post shows. Cases rose by 10% in Alaska, California, Delaware, Georgia, South Carolina; 11% in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Virginia; 12% in Arizona, North Carolina, Tennessee; 13% in Arkansas; 14% in Alabama and Minnesota; and 15% in North Dakota over that period.
