

Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
new cases are way up , deaths are way down. would seem to indicate increased testing

Any testing is an increase over what we did in March/April.
When cough*cough*anyone who wants a test can have a test*cough!

Who could forget the tests that didn't work?
*But those were Obama's tests because he left us with Covid-19 tests that didn't work!
Or refusing FREE tests from W.H.O. And China ?
Or refusing to let people off cruise ships because they would be counted and would destroy the, "soon it will be zero!" Delusion?

I'm still waiting for it to, "go away like magic! "

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Any testing is an increase over what we did in March/April.
When cough*cough*anyone who wants a test can have a test*cough!

Who could forget the tests that didn't work?
*But those were Obama's tests because he left us with Covid-19 tests that didn't work!
Or refusing FREE tests from W.H.O. And China ?
Or refusing to let people off cruise ships because they would be counted and would destroy the, "soon it will be zero!" Delusion?

I'm still waiting for it to, "go away like magic! "
That's the most coherent post you have made in at least a month! :detective


Inordinately Right
Any testing is an increase over what we did in March/April.
Captain obvious to the rescue.
Who could forget the tests that didn't work?
*But those were Obama's tests because he left us with Covid-19 tests that didn't work!
Yup, the CDC blew it and previous administrations are responsible for centralizing that control.
Or refusing FREE tests from W.H.O. And China ?
Tests that didn't work and have been proven faulty. Yup, BunkerBitchBiden would have gotten on his knees for emporer XiJingPingPong.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, on Monday warned that “we are right back to square one” when it comes to flattening the curve of coronavirus infections in some parts of the United States.

“I’m particularly worried about Florida,” says Dr. Sanjay Gupta about a spike in Covid-19 cases. “75% of the ICU beds are already occupied in Florida. We kept talking about flattening the curve so as to not tax the hospital system. We are right back to square one."


Well-Known Member
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, on Monday warned that “we are right back to square one” when it comes to flattening the curve of coronavirus infections in some parts of the United States.

“I’m particularly worried about Florida,” says Dr. Sanjay Gupta about a spike in Covid-19 cases. “75% of the ICU beds are already occupied in Florida. We kept talking about flattening the curve so as to not tax the hospital system. We are right back to square one."

Sanjay Gupta is a CNN parrot that will not dispense medical advice as much as he will provide CNN talking points. No wonder your mind is corrupted

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Fear mongering. This is going to be seasonal so why don't you spread the good news. Doctors are now using prednisone and cutting the death rate by 1/3. The treatment is getting much better is the story.


Well-Known Member
Fear mongering. This is going to be seasonal so why don't you spread the good news. Doctors are now using prednisone and cutting the death rate by 1/3. The treatment is getting much better is the story.
5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's covid19 deaths( and we are likely under reporting). Thank's President Tweeter.


Well-Known Member
5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's covid19 deaths( and we are likely under reporting). Thank's President Tweeter.
There were estimates a couple weeks ago of actual deaths in China exceeding 600,000. Can't get around the fact that China restricted their citizens from Wuhan from traveling around their country but allowed them to travel internationally while they tried to quietly control the virus in China. That's why we have as big a problem as we do and it wouldn't have mattered who was president. But doesn't stop y'all from blaming Trump with an election coming.