

Well-Known Member
There were estimates a couple weeks ago of actual deaths in China exceeding 600,000. Can't get around the fact that China restricted their citizens from Wuhan from traveling around their country but allowed them to travel internationally while they tried to quietly control the virus in China. That's why we have as big a problem as we do and it wouldn't have mattered who was president. But doesn't stop y'all from blaming Trump with an election coming.


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
There were estimates a couple weeks ago of actual deaths in China exceeding 600,000. Can't get around the fact that China restricted their citizens from Wuhan from traveling around their country but allowed them to travel internationally while they tried to quietly control the virus in China. That's why we have as big a problem as we do and it wouldn't have mattered who was president. But doesn't stop y'all from blaming Trump with an election coming.
no i believe it was columbia uni who said trumps inaction of 2 weeks made up 80% of US preventable corona deaths


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
older pic. US at an all time high now:



Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
What's a shame is because of tRump the EU is now about to ban travel FROM the U.S. due to the bunkerbitch's excelent leadership out of this pandemic!