The health department is notified of positive tests and does the contact tracing, not UPS.
That may be different in different states. I had an exposure at my other job, employer notified me, not the state. I was tested, quarantined till test came back negative. As it was over the weekend, only missed two days of work. When coworkers asked me, why I didn't take advantage of the 14 day leave. Well, why use it, when there is a possibility I could have it in the future and NEED that time off. One thing the full-timers don't understand. Most part-timers are not even covered by FMLA
As for the cleaning- UPS is so cheap, it's almost comical. All to save pennies. Here is my opinion of my district manager, center manager and the safety committee leaders. Can you even begin to imagine what their home bathrooms and kitchens look like?
I work part-time a couple of hours a day, I just don't use the bathroom, bring my own sanitizer, don't trust what they SOMETIMES have available. I also wouldn't use their masks- anyone see the hands grabbing them out of the box? It's not just COVID19 that one can catch.
This pandemic will eventually end. I look at it as having been a good opportunity to learn about not just UPS, leadership but the union and coworkers. I believe the general public has also. We still sell those guaranteed deliveries, but then use pandemics and social arrest as an excuse to not just deliver on time, but not to even provide customer service.
One last thing... in my center when we had our first confirmed case, it was spread by word of mouth. Not a PCM. Some were very upset by this. I told those upset about how the laws work, even with Covid19. An employer does not have the right to know, what your diagnosis is. All you need is a letter from your healthcare provider saying you are unable to work. They can't even ask you if you have Covid19. I guess wait around for a state tracer to call you... then you can tell them where you work. They can call your center manager, and tell them the same thing you were told... "a case."
Can you imagine the leaders, when they don't know?