

Well-Known Member
Talked to a co-worker this morning at work and he told me his dad was just diagnosed with the covid. I asked him why he was at work, and he told me that he was told that unless he is showing symptoms, he is to report to work as normal.

Tell me this company cares, anyone?
Hopefully you kept the conversation short...

Netsua 3:16

Talked to a co-worker this morning at work and he told me his dad was just diagnosed with the covid. I asked him why he was at work, and he told me that he was told that unless he is showing symptoms, he is to report to work as normal.

Tell me this company cares, anyone?
Pretty lame that he didn’t take the situation into his own hands and self quarantine for 2 paid the very least

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Do you really not watch news?

What you just said are flat out lies!
They are in Georgia!

How you doing Dude?
I missed picking onya the last couple daze!

Covid Report w deaths graph June 24.jpg


Well-Known Member
To support our people during these unprecedented times, a new Emergency Paid Leave compensation program is now available for U.S. employees who fit one or more of the below criteria and are not able to work remotely. Eligibility for the two-week paid emergency leave includes:

  • UPSers with a positive test for COVID-19
  • UPSers with a member of their immediate household with positive test for COVID-19
  • UPSers who are mandated to quarantine by UPS Health & Safety, a treating physician, or a public health official
If you meet the criteria described above, please complete the Emergency Paid Leave Request Form available below in Related Files and email to [email protected].


  • Emergency+Paid+Leave+Benefit+Intake+Form+S_+FINAL+03282020 (1).pdf
    688.7 KB · Views: 190


Well-Known Member
Best course of action if you have been in close recent (symptomatic or in the 3-4 day's before) contact with a person who tests positive. Talk with a doctor and get tested. Testing has a turn around time of a couple days. Keep notes of your contacts and exposure time. Monitor your health, check your temperature. Be smart wear a face coverings to limit possible exposure to other's. Most importantly don't put your health or your coworkers in the hands of UPS.
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Inordinately Right
Best course of action if you have been in close recent (symptomatic or in the 3-4 day's before) contact with a person who tests positive. Talk with a doctor and get tested. Testing has a turn around time of a couple days. Keep notes of your contacts and exposure time. Monitor your health, check your temperature. Be smart wear a face coverings to limit possible exposure to other's. Most importantly don't put your health or your coworkers in the hands of UPS.
It's just a flu bro, be a man and go to work.


Well-Known Member
I remember back in March. I said Trump had failed in his response to COVID19. I said his travel ban had failed. I said he had done nothing since the failed travel to get this thing under control. It truly wish Trump gave a damn about anyone or anything other than himself, but he doesn't. He is a huge failure as president.


Well-Known Member
I just think to myself, there are voters who helped to elect both GWBush and trump. Their political selections for the presidency led to the largest terrorist attack in US history, the failed war on Iraq/terror which has cost hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives and thousands of American soldier lives, the largest recession since the great Depression, the failed Katrina response, to now this man's failure to act on a global pandemic, with hundreds of thousands of dead Americans, another huge recession, and huge protests against police violence against black Americans. I mean you'd think with that horrible record of selecting political leadership for this nation that those voters would feel foolish and embarrassed and do some kind of soul searching as to why they keep electing these utter disasters to be president.


Well-Known Member
I just think to myself, there are voters who helped to elect both GWBush and trump. Their political selections for the presidency led to the largest terrorist attack in US history, the failed war on Iraq/terror which has cost hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives and thousands of American soldier lives, the largest recession since the great Depression, the failed Katrina response, to now this man's failure to act on a global pandemic, with hundreds of thousands of dead Americans, another huge recession, and huge protests against police violence against black Americans. I mean you'd think with that horrible record of selecting political leadership for this nation that those voters would feel foolish and embarrassed and do some kind of soul searching as to why they keep electing these utter disasters to be president.
Never underestimate the ignorance of your fellow American.


Well-Known Member
Never underestimate the ignorance of your fellow American.
I don't proclaim to be without ignorance as a person. I don't know if ignorance is why trump won. I think its closer to bigotry or clinging to an identity or for nostalgia for an America that never existed and won't ever exist, but I just known when I make bad decisions, after it is all said and done, I'd like to think I can be honest with myself and try to learn. I just wish the individual people, who voted for and inflicted GWBush and trump on this nation would get that those are bad decisions, and try to learn from it. Like we can't keep electing these types of presidents. I thought Bush who was incompetent would be the worst president in my lifetime, but my god, these people elected someone worse than GWBush in a lot of ways. I hope they learn.


Well-Known Member
Why did violent rioters injure 50 secret service agents after trying to burn down a church?

If you think that's about blacks and mattering you need a reality check. Marxists need to be shot.

The Secret Service said no one crossed the White House fence and no one being protected was ever in danger.

Officers made one arrest near the White House on Saturday night.