

Inordinately Right
My source is Robert :censored2:ing Redfield. It isn't some obscure research clinic working some skewed trial to fit their narrative, it's the same guy who gives you your information, only I choose to read more of it. Dip:censored2:.

Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, believes "the most powerful weapon we have" against the novel coronavirusis wearing face coverings, washing hands and "being smart about social distancing."

"If we all rigorously did this, we could really bring this outbreak back to where it needs to be," Redfield told the Journal of the American Medical Association via video on Tuesday
My source is Robert :censored2:ing Redfield. It isn't some obscure research clinic working some skewed trial to fit their narrative, it's the same guy who gives you your information, only I choose to read more of it. Dip:censored2:.

Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, believes "the most powerful weapon we have" against the novel coronavirusis wearing face coverings, washing hands and "being smart about social distancing."

"If we all rigorously did this, we could really bring this outbreak back to where it needs to be," Redfield told the Journal of the American Medical Association via video on Tuesday.
Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, believes "the most powerful weapon we have" against the novel coronavirusis wearing face coverings, washing hands and "being smart about social distancing."

"If we all rigorously did this, we could really bring this outbreak back to where it needs to be," Redfield told the Journal of the American Medical Association via video on Tuesday.
142,881 dead Americans, 3.833+million infected. Yesterday saw Arizona as the big winner for daily deaths with 147. Don’t worry folks, Florida was second with 93 dead, but an astonishing 10,000+ newly infected yesterday. 9 of the top 10 states for newly infected are all red states! Yesterday’s death total of 813, is the most this nation has seen on a Saturday in more than a month. Yes the virus is spinning out of control in the Confederate states. You can only blame the citizens!