
Box Ox

Well-Known Member
In Reversal, Trump Urges Mask Use, Warns Coronavirus Pandemic Will Get Worse

"President Trump took to the White House briefing room on Tuesday to praise his administration's response to the virus that has killed more than 140,000 Americans so far. In a reversal of his recent statements and tone, he acknowledged the severity of the pandemic and urged Americans to comply with preventative measures.

"It will likely unfortunately get worse before it gets better," Trump said in uncharacteristically somber remarks, encouraging Americans to social distance, practice good hygiene and wear masks.

The president said his administration is in the process of developing a strategy for the coming months, including developing treatments and vaccines for COVID-19.

Trump — who has mostly cast mask usage as a personal choice and declined to wear one himself — urged people to wear face masks, citing a spike of cases in the Sun Belt in recent weeks.

"Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact," he said."


Inordinately Right
In Reversal, Trump Urges Mask Use, Warns Coronavirus Pandemic Will Get Worse

Trump — who has mostly cast mask usage as a personal choice and declined to wear one himself — urged people to wear face masks, citing a spike of cases in the Sun Belt in recent weeks.
So he reversed his opinion that wearing a mask is a personal choice, to now, urging people to wear a mask.

If he's urging, not forcing, that seems to imply it's a personal choice. So how did he "reverse" his opinion?

Just more liberal fake news.
144,958 dead Americans, 4.028+million infected. Trump Flu killed another 1,000+ Americans and another 67,000 newly infected yesterday. The state of Arizona was yesterday’s big winner with 134 dead Americans, followed by America’s hot spot Florida with 132 dead. 7 out of the 10 leading states for deaths yesterday are Confederate states. 12 out of the 13 states who led yesterday with newly infected were Confederate states. These are your antI-mask dopes, though Trump has changed his opinion on masks. The union continues to take money out of its members pockets, while providing nothing during this pandemic.


Inordinately Right
Trump Flu killed another 1,000+ Americans and another 67,000 newly infected yesterday.
DisastrousDarkEland-max-1mb (1).gif


Well-Known Member
Ghislaine Maxwell has been accused of child sex trafficking in connection with her late friend Jeffrey Epstein, a financier and convicted sex offender. The charges against her include recruiting and grooming girls as young as 14 into a circle of sexual abuse with possible connections to powerful men around the world.

President Donald Trump wishes her well.


Inordinately Right
Ghislaine Maxwell has been accused of child sex trafficking in connection with her late friend Jeffrey Epstein, a financier and convicted sex offender. The charges against her include recruiting and grooming girls as young as 14 into a circle of sexual abuse with possible connections to powerful men around the world.
Obviously a Democrat.


Well-Known Member
So today, donald's senior adviser Kellyanne Conway accused the states plagued with skyrocketing COVID-19 cases of being too hasty with reopening their economies – you know, the thing Denset Donald pushed them to do for months.