What we know is simple a large portion the people are at high risk for poor outcomes if infected.
Source? This claim is basically the exact opposite of everything I have read.
The simplest way to improve their survivability is to lower their chances of becoming infected.
I agree with this, for the small portion of the population at high risk. But even some people in the high risk category have had relatively mild cases. I still say it should be up to the individual to determine the level of risk they are comfortable with. The faster the low risk group reaches herd immunity, the sooner the high risk population will be protected.
Cover your face holes,
The virus doesn't care about the chain-link fence you have strapped to your face. Or is this about the fetish again?
Indoor gatherings need to hit the plause button.
I don't see a problem with doing this for very large events, like concerts and what not, but only very frightened people will comply with this for very long. Better to let people decide the level of risk they are comfortable with, and get going on herd immunity to protect the high risk population. The longer we draw this out, the more people will die, or the same amount will die no matter what we do, whichever.
Probably the most important thing that would reduce the death's outside of lowering the community spread is treating higher risk individuals as if both yourself and themselves are infected during interactions.
So, set each other on fire? Or how about just letting people decide for themselves the level of risk they are comfortable with?

s in the air don't trust air conditioned environments, particularly small enclosed area's with poor airflow.
I agree, many large outbreaks might have been avoided if hvac systems cycled fresh air more often.
Viral load seems to play a factor in outcomes. Shortening time spent or

expelled in an environment is key.
I agree with this as well. People who experience GI symptoms tend to have less severe cases. Maybe we should look into doing fecal transplants for high risk people so they'll have less severe cases?
Vitamin D, why the

Just so long as we aren't pepper spraying people who aren't getting enough sun. Those selfish introverts, staying inside all the time, killing people with their low vitamin d levels.
There is still so much unknowns and it will take year's to see the results of long term health issues. Do your little part to prevent getting it and giving it. It's going to be a long cold lonely winter.
This is a lie they keep telling to get people to accept the absurd actions they are forcing. We know most of what we need to in order to formulate effective policy. Just about everything that has been recommended and done so far has made things worse, because they are ignoring the people who have gotten everything right so far.
Also, testing and tracing aren't the key to getting through the pandemic.
COVID-19 is a new type of coronavirus that causes mild to severe cases. Here’s a quick guide on how to spot symptoms, risk factors, prevent spread of the disease, and find out what to do if you think you have it.
We've reached the peak on average across the nation, now we're on the downhill slide. August 25th, it'll be pretty much over. Get ready to get snuggly this winter.