

Inordinately Right
157,905 dead Americans, 4.764+million infected. Yesterday was a devastatingly deadly day for America, 1,123 dead Americans on a Saturday, hasn’t happened since May that, that many died on a Saturday. America saw for the 4th consecutive week a surge in Covid19 deaths. Again the deadliest week since May. The Confederate states are dragging down the rest of the nation with their inability to stop the spread of virus. Texas led in deaths (268) yesterday, followed by Florida (179). Florida led the nation in newly infected as well with over 9,000.


Well-Known Member
' Cause Florida us at a lower lattitude. Their respiratory illness season starts later. It's gotta be pretty embarrassing for these people to parade their ignorance around for the whole world to see. I mean it would be, if they realized how wrong they are.
or its because its inhabited and run by republicans haha


Retired 23 years
A Photog friend of mine lost his Grandfather after a short battle with COVID-19 ... he was 95.

View attachment 304424
I wasn't lucky enough to ever meet my real Grandpa on my Mothers side. She was adopted and didn't know who her real parents were and her adopted Dad died before I was born. My Grandpa on my Dads side lived in a railroad box car in Iowa and I only met him once when I was so young I hardly remember it. (I can't remember what he even looked like other than like a person who would live in a box car. ) My family tree is missing a LOT of branches.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Gov. Kristi Noem: Science Shows Not Going To School Hurts Kids Much Worse Than COVID

Science shows the coronavirus doesn’t impact children even on the same level as the flu, and keeping kids out of school harms them in a multitude of ways.

Toronto’s world-renowned Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) echoed this finding, saying, “evidence is mounting that children may be less susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection and may be less likely to transmit the virus to others.” Daniel Koch, Switzerland’s head of public health, has said that even when children test positive for the virus, their viral load is low, and it seems that adults tend to infect children, not the other way around.

Second, we know that it is extremely harmful to kids to keep schools closed. We know that children thrive on routine and being in supportive, social environments. We know that the loss of human connections for many of these kids is driving increases in stress, anxiety, and depression. We know this to be true most especially for our most vulnerable students.



Well-Known Member
Gov. Kristi Noem: Science Shows Not Going To School Hurts Kids Much Worse Than COVID

Science shows the coronavirus doesn’t impact children even on the same level as the flu, and keeping kids out of school harms them in a multitude of ways.

Toronto’s world-renowned Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) echoed this finding, saying, “evidence is mounting that children may be less susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection and may be less likely to transmit the virus to others.” Daniel Koch, Switzerland’s head of public health, has said that even when children test positive for the virus, their viral load is low, and it seems that adults tend to infect children, not the other way around.

Second, we know that it is extremely harmful to kids to keep schools closed. We know that children thrive on routine and being in supportive, social environments. We know that the loss of human connections for many of these kids is driving increases in stress, anxiety, and depression. We know this to be true most especially for our most vulnerable students.

Tough cookie, not afraid to stand up for what she believes in.
She's sooooooo easy to look at as well.


Well-Known Member
CHARLESTON, W.Va. __ White House coronavirus task force leader Dr. Deborah Birx says widespread coronavirus infections in urban and rural America mark a “new phase” for the pandemic as she doubled down on calls to wear face masks and observe social distancing measures.

Birx, speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday morning, said “What we are seeing today is different from March and April. It is extraordinarily widespread.”

donald tweet at her yet?


Well-Known Member

from the article:
"The United States has correctly castigated China for its duplicity and the WHO for its laxity—but the U.S. has also failed the international community. Under President Donald Trump, the U.S. has withdrawn from several international partnerships and antagonized its allies. It has a seat on the WHO’s executive board, but left that position empty for more than two years, only filling it this May, when the pandemic was in full swing. Since 2017, Trump has pulled more than 30 staffers out of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s office in China, who could have warned about the spreading coronavirus. Last July, he defunded an American epidemiologist embedded within China’s CDC. America First was America oblivious."



Well-Known Member
You'll believe anything your handlers tell you.

Case in point:

You probably think that was a legitimate breakdown of events and not just some clearly biased farcical attempt at satire. The democrats know they are in trouble. They are so desperate that I almost feel sorry for them.
We will take the WH and Senate. Don't worry you can always chime in with Benedict Donald ans claim it was rigged.