
182,258 dead Americans, 5.591+ million infected. America lost another 1,100+ Americans today. The states of Florida(186),Texas(180),Georgia(106), and Mississippi(67) led the way in deaths. The VA hospitals lost another 56 patience to Covid19 today.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
182,258 dead Americans, 5.591+ million infected. America lost another 1,100+ Americans today. The states of Florida(186),Texas(180),Georgia(106), and Mississippi(67) led the way in deaths. The VA hospitals lost another 56 patience to Covid19 today.
Man they better reload on patience or they might go postal


Strength through joy
Please explain the logic behind this statement; The Democratic leadership in Massachusetts demands that everyone use a mail-in ballot to avoid COVID, but has declared next weekend a Tax Free Holiday where shoppers will be standing shoulder to shoulder looking for stuff in the stores.


I'm a star
The night i was born..
The moon turned a fire red.



Well-Known Member
way more people are ODing than dieing from corona where im from. govt wants to decriminalize all drugs and follow the portugal model. but corona would be a bigger disaster if people didnt put effort into containing it.


I'm a star
way more people are ODing than dieing from corona where im from. govt wants to decriminalize all drugs and follow the portugal model. but corona would be a bigger disaster if people didnt put effort into containing it.

This is demonstrably incorrect. All indications point to the fact that everything that has been done to try to contain it has made it worse.


Bad Moon Risen'
Someone who believes only 4700 Chinamen have died from covid-19 probably shouldn't be calling other people dumb.

Carry on.
FEB 26
“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
Donald Trump

FEB 28
“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
Donald Trump



Inordinately Right
FEB 26
“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
Donald Trump

FEB 28
“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
Donald Trump

View attachment 307312
Joe Biden on Trump's China travel restrictions:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,”




I'm a star
social distancing is bad?

That has always been part of the guidelines but it also depends on what you mean by social distancing. Some people include stay at home orders in with social diatancing, and those were one of the worst ideas ever. I'm also not 100% convinced staying 6 feet away really does much. Is that the only action you are going to challenge my statement on? Does that mean you agree that everything else is terrible?


Inordinately Right
That has always been part of the guidelines. I'm talking about all the unproven, draconian, unscientific dictates. Is that the only one you are going to challenge? Does that mean you agree that everything else is terrible?
These :censored2:ing clowns in the fear mongering medical media circle say six feet isn't enough anymore. No joke, now they say you need 26 feet....

Apparently people were too compliant and we need to test the sheep to see just how ridiculous of instructions they will follow. I swear it's like this whole thing is a psychological experiment at this point.


Well-Known Member
That has always been part of the guidelines but it also depends on what you mean by social distancing. Some people include stay at home orders in with social diatancing, and those were one of the worst ideas ever. I'm also not 100% convinced staying 6 feet away really does much. Is that the only action you are going to challenge my statement on? Does that mean you agree that everything else is terrible?
no i agree with you people probably havent been wearing a mask properly.

i dont see how social distancing is bad.