

Half the lies they tell about me aren't true!!
I love this stat
  • More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44.

  • Well duh they make up a majority of those on the road.
That’s like saying a high percentage of shark attacks happen near the :censored2:, that’s where the people are swimming.


Well-Known Member

Matt Stoller

The World Health Organization's credibility is totally shot. They have been captured by China, and they are unwilling to call out America for our reckless response. The WHO is a disaster. We need them telling the truth about both Xi Jinping and Donald Trump and they won't.


Well-Known Member

Joshua Holland

2hDuring the '18 flu pandemic, Philly held a "liberty parade" to sell WWI bonds. Docs said they should cancel, but organizers wanted to raise $ and 200K people packed into Broad Street. Within 2 wks, 5K had died & a bunch of troops shipped out to Europe.
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Scott Gottlieb, MD
· 2h
Meanwhile Comic Con will bring together 100,000 people in Seattle in a week. Into an area of America’s only known, potential larger outbreak. So far, local officials and event organizer are maintaining the event with stepped up efforts at infection control and other measures.
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
While we're talking about the Chinese health system: of the roughly 15 hospitals I've visited in China, most didn't have soap in the bathrooms. I remember asking someone at the hospital why, and she said "because people steal the soap."
Yeah Buddy ... got to love that Socialism!

Feel the Bern! LOL


Well-Known Member
Yeah Buddy ... got to love that Socialism!
most developed countries healthcare is socialist. we have socialist soap and hand sanitizer at our hospitals.

Jim Acosta

WH Coronavirus task force expert Dr. Debbie Birx had some critical advice for the elderly. Coronavirus is particularly dangerous for the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions. Those folks should seriously consider whether it's a good idea to fly commercially, she said.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Matt Stoller Retweeted

Isaac Stone Fish

While we're talking about the Chinese health system: of the roughly 15 hospitals I've visited in China, most didn't have soap in the bathrooms. I remember asking someone at the hospital why, and she said "because people steal the soap."
When I went to Ethiopia they always had soap in public places but you’d be lucky to find toilet paper in a lot of them. Lol.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Joshua Holland


2hDuring the '18 flu pandemic, Philly held a "liberty parade" to sell WWI bonds. Docs said they should cancel, but organizers wanted to raise $ and 200K people packed into Broad Street. Within 2 wks, 5K had died & a bunch of troops shipped out to Europe.
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Scott Gottlieb, MD
· 2h
Meanwhile Comic Con will bring together 100,000 people in Seattle in a week. Into an area of America’s only known, potential larger outbreak. So far, local officials and event organizer are maintaining the event with stepped up efforts at infection control and other measures.
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Hmmm. A bunch of super nerds catching the coronavirus at Comic Con.....

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I just left a nursing home that told me next time I deliver there I will have to fill out a form for something to do with coronavirus and have my temperature taken. He didn’t have me do it this tome because he couldn't find the forms. Lol.