

Well-Known Member
The hypocritical, lying dictator of California story keeps changing. He was indoors, no masks, no social distancing. Yet, we are not to be indoors at restaurants, put our masks up in between bites, and not gather with too many family members or just cancel Thanksgiving. The recall effort will be gaining steam as even the dems are upset that he did this. He endangered his wife and others by going against his edict which we all know he doesn't believe as it is just a "do as I say not what I do". What a JOKE!

Now there are photos of his lie... Los Angeles Times reporting... How dare they. lol

Photos raise doubts about Newsom’s claim that dinner with lobbyist was outdoors amid COVID-19 surge

Newly published pictures of Gov. Gavin Newsom at a birthday dinner show him seated with top lobbyists for the California Medical Assn. around a table in a private dining room at an upscale Napa Valley restaurant, undercutting the governor’s description of the party being held outdoors.

The event and the photos emphasized Newsom’s close ties to top lobbyists at the state Capitol and led to criticism that the governor is flouting the safety guidelines he has set for Californians.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
So, you agree with him in going out when he mandates others don't... including you!?

There were democrats complaining that he wasn't being all COVID restrictive and all, and not setting a good example for what he's calling for.

You care about your loved ones, right? He, apparently by his actions doesn't give a :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
So, you agree with him in going out when he mandates others don't... including you!?

There were democrats complaining that he wasn't being all COVID restrictive and all, and not setting a good example for what he's calling for.

You care about your loved ones, right? He, apparently by his actions doesn't give a *.
What he does or doesn't do personally is really nothing compared to your dear leader, Drumpf. Drumpf is the reason this virus is spreading like a California wildfire. Ttku....


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
What he does or doesn't do personally is really nothing compared to your dear leader, Drumpf. Drumpf is the reason this virus is spreading like a California wildfire. Ttku....
I'm sorry, but your dear leader of California is what is affecting us, not Trump. Ttku...

Dear leader Trump was shutting things down initially and your new (supposedly pres elect) dear leader called him Zeno, Racist, etc.. Ttku

Get a clue and take the blinders off. The Newsom's of the world don't give a rats ass about you. Ttku

So, how's the bay area lock down going for you? Have the homeless taken over your neighborhood yet? Ttku

When are the proposed curfews coming to you? lol

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What he does or doesn't do personally is really nothing compared to your dear leader, Drumpf. Drumpf is the reason this virus is spreading like a California wildfire. Ttku....
The only thing Trump had to do with the virus is to ask the Chinks to make it much more easily caught and rougher on dark skin people.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Look around the entire world. This kung flu will do what it wants. Let it rip and it goes away like the Spanish flu. You can't stop it by wearing masks.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Sleepy Joe Biden was wrong again, as usual...



Staff member
the state incarcerates dangerous ppl all the time
In order to be incarcerated, you have to have broken a law.

And we have due process.
We get lawyers. We get our day in court.

There are many people around who are "dangerous".
But until you have actually done something, (And no, getting sick is not doing anything, any more than being Jewish is.) that warrants action, you can't imprison them.


I'm a star
Look at the populations! Is N Dakota a dense urban area?

Who cares about other factors? Lol! You realize in North Dakota that 1 in 1000 is 700 deaths. The point I'm making is people will pick and choose the evidence they think will support their beliefs, and then present it in the way they think supports their beliefs best. Is it scarier to say 1 in 1000 dead, or 700 dead?

A brief glance at those numbers will show that number/percentages of deaths isn't even strongly correlated with population density. When you dig deeper, you will find lock downs had no obvious impact, and mask mandates have had no obvious impact. But our dear leaders are "following the science" to combat this deadly virus, by locking down more and threatening fines to enforce masks, things that have no evidence of working. Smh.


I'm a star
Tell that to the business owners being severely impacted by this nonsense.

Or the people committing suicide, or being kept from "non-essential" health care. I guess every other problem in the world can be put on hold. I wonder how many more people died and had their homes burnt down because the delayed responses to the wild fires.


Well-Known Member
In order to be incarcerated, you have to have broken a law.

And we have due process.
We get lawyers. We get our day in court.

There are many people around who are "dangerous".
But until you have actually done something, (And no, getting sick is not doing anything, any more than being Jewish is.) that warrants action, you can't imprison them.
well not actually you have indefinite detention and pre crime and all that stuff that 1984 was based on. govts kill ppl before they even do anything.