

Well-Known Member
Wearing masks, social distancing, lockdowns, etc. only forestall the inevitable. The virus is going to circulate until it can no longer find hospitable hosts.

The question is. will there be a viable society to return to at that point. If not, then let the winnowing continue.
The answer to your question is, no, not as we know it.

Hang the bastards inflicting their will and let's go to

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

'Get out!': Gathering at Orchard Park gym turns confrontational as health inspector arrives

A gathering of about 50 business owners and their supporters inside an Orchard Park gym shut down by Covid-19 restrictions turned into a confrontation with Erie County authorities Friday night.

The owner of the gym, Athletes Unleashed on California Road, described the gathering as a protest of the state's "orange zone" regulations that have closed gyms, salons and other businesses deemed nonessential.

No one was cited and no arrests were made, according to two people who attended, but video of the incident shows an Erie County health inspector accompanied by three sheriff's deputies arriving about 20 minutes after the gathering began.

"Get out! Get out!" the group can be heard over and over as the health inspector and deputies exited the gym. Several people followed them out, holding up their cellphones to record the incident.

You can tell by the body language of the officers that they knew they were in the wrong.

The 'protestors' should have told them, "This is a Black Lives Matter protest!"
"In these circumstances a “normal” national leader would be doing several things urgently, and all at once. One is restoring cooperation outside the country—on early detection of new outbreaks; on lessons of failed and successful containment strategies, or travel controls; on the other necessary global responses to a global threat. The next is restoring cooperation within the country—so that equipment availability, quarantine and distancing plans, vaccine rollouts, and countless other measures don’t remain a battle of each against all. The next would be giving a clear, steady, and believable account of where the country stands in this grim journey: how much longer things will get worse, when and where they might get better, what sensible steps should be taken in the meantime. (Imagine, for instance, the president assigning Anthony Fauci or another credible figure to have daily briefings, with no politicians at the microphone whatsoever.) And the next would be using every bit of political leverage to get new financial aid to businesses, families, schools, and city and state governments that are about to be plunged into new economic desperation. (Instead, the U.S. Senate has convened to ram through judicial appointments, and do nothing else.)"

James Fallows
Don’t stress there’s a real leader taking over America on Jan. 20. The current President has disappeared and has done nothing but golf for 4 years. No wonder his supporters are freeloaders off of government. They watch Trump not working, they don’t work.
261,790 dead Americans, 12.45+million infected. Donald Trump has disappeared, shedding his responsibility. Trump has shown he’s the weakest President, physically and mentally in American history. The state of Texas has exploded with Covid19. 21,000+ dead in that state and it’s still a hot bead. Texas is going to surpass NY.


Well-Known Member
"In these circumstances a “normal” national leader would be doing several things urgently, and all at once. One is restoring cooperation outside the country—on early detection of new outbreaks; on lessons of failed and successful containment strategies, or travel controls; on the other necessary global responses to a global threat. The next is restoring cooperation within the country—so that equipment availability, quarantine and distancing plans, vaccine rollouts, and countless other measures don’t remain a battle of each against all. The next would be giving a clear, steady, and believable account of where the country stands in this grim journey: how much longer things will get worse, when and where they might get better, what sensible steps should be taken in the meantime. (Imagine, for instance, the president assigning Anthony Fauci or another credible figure to have daily briefings, with no politicians at the microphone whatsoever.) And the next would be using every bit of political leverage to get new financial aid to businesses, families, schools, and city and state governments that are about to be plunged into new economic desperation. (Instead, the U.S. Senate has convened to ram through judicial appointments, and do nothing else.)"

James Fallows
Agreed, Nancy Pelosi shouldn't have played games and passed the stimulus pkg to aid our citizens.