
It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The House and Senate bills have to be reconciled and she refused to budge on compromise. Was asking way too much.

There was no need to, Pelosi wouldn't budge. You folks rip Trump for high deficits, then want to spend through the roof. You can't have it both ways.
The need for the Senate to pass a bill would be so it could be reconciled with the House bill and then become law. Mitch couldn’t get a bill through the Senate. For some reason you are blaming Nancy for Mitch’s failure. These are basic facts.


Well-Known Member
The need for the Senate to pass a bill would be so it could be reconciled with the House bill and then become law. Mitch couldn’t get a bill through the Senate. For some reason you are blaming Nancy for Mitch’s failure. These are basic facts.
And you can't seem to see that Mitch wasn't going to get a bill through that accepted what Nancy wanted. They negotiated and she wouldn't budge. Would have been fruitless to go through the motions in the Senate.


nowhere special
And you can't seem to see that Mitch wasn't going to get a bill through that accepted what Nancy wanted. They negotiated and she wouldn't budge. Would have been fruitless to go through the motions in the Senate.
Pelosi added a lot of unrelated items from the liberal wish list knowing they had no chance of passing.


Strength through joy

Daily Mail In UK Puts Out Two-Page Spread On COVID-19 “What They Aren’t Telling You”

Donald J Trump signed the CARES Act into law. It’s his bill. He mailed autographed letters to all recipients of his stimulus checks. Trump could have vetoed, but he loved setting a law.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Good to know California has at least ONE elected official with common sense.