ss is a regressive tax the richer you are, so the more you make after a certain point the smaller ss tax u payThat's not financial assistance, that's your money you were lending the government.
lift the cap
ss is a regressive tax the richer you are, so the more you make after a certain point the smaller ss tax u payThat's not financial assistance, that's your money you were lending the government.
michael hudson covered it check him out. i listened to it a year ago. the pandemic was used as an excuse to bail out the rich for their bad decisions prior to the pandemic.Now, give us a breakdown of where that money went once it was handed to the rich.
michael hudson covered it check him out. i listened to it a year ago. the pandemic was used as an excuse to bail out the rich for their bad decisions prior to the pandemic.
we both can but im not looking it up again dont know about you, youre too sure of yourself to gain any real intelligence.If you can't say what the rich did with all that money we gave them, how do you know it was a bad thing?
btw i know its a bad thing because when govt giving out that kind of money to the ppl who deserve it least you know theres going to beIf you can't say what the rich did with all that money we gave them, how do you know it was a bad thing?
I know that but I figured I’d beat him to the punch saying SS is government assistance. Lol.That's not financial assistance, that's your money you were lending the government.
youre too sure of yourself to gain any real intelligence.
we both can but im not looking it up again dont know about you, youre too sure of yourself to gain any real intelligence.
youve got diminshing returns alrightThe higher it goes, the more difficult it is to increase. Law of diminishing returns.
You and @vantexan should compare IQ’s.The higher it goes, the more difficult it is to increase. Law of diminishing returns.
#thathappenedI laughed sooooo hard at my friend when he told me he got blood clots from the vaccine, and now has to be on blood thinners. What a retarrd! Lmfao
Hope you got your vaccine? Heard that it has what’s called ‘Sammy Sosa Syndrome’.The problem was he thought a Fleshlight was an actual flashlight.![]()
Way more likely to get it from coronavirusI laughed sooooo hard at my friend when he told me he got blood clots from the vaccine, and now has to be on blood thinners. What a retarrd! Lmfao
That's easy, @rickyb
Do you know that many, many more people have died from covid vaccines in the last four months than have died in the last 15 years from all other vaccines combined according to the CDC's own reporting system? Over 3600 in the last four months and that reporting period ended in mid April. And that's from just those reported to that system which is known to have lower counts than real world numbers.#thathappened
I don't know.Idiot liberals are not why we don't trust the vaccine. What a terrible, nonsensical straw-man argument. Anyone with any sense at all realizes the "vaccine" is still in clinical trials, and only foolhardy dum dums participate in clinical trials simply because of peer-pressure.
And when this guy says "very effective" what is the effect he's talking about? The fact that it doesn't prevent you from contracting covid and becoming ill, but only mitigates symptoms? We already had effective therapeutics. Or the fact that it doesn't actually prevent you from spreading it either? Lol. Go science!
That's easy, @rickyb
This is not true. Turn off Tucker, he’s rotting your brain.Do you know that many, many more people have died from covid vaccines in the last four months than have died in the last 15 years from all other vaccines combined according to the CDC's own reporting system? Over 3600 in the last four months and that reporting period ended in mid April. And that's from just those reported to that system which is known to have lower counts than real world numbers.