

Well-Known Member
Good lord this kid is mentally ill.

This is why I abandoned debating. I just stare in disbelief most days. Unless Im bored and feel like taking someone to the wood shed.

But like the age old philosophy, you gotta let ppl fall on their own faces sometimes, build up some scar tissue and not be so 'thenthitive'. Eventually theyll toughen up or succumb to their ideology


Inordinately Right

Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE said the Covid-19 vaccine they are jointly developing is on track to be submitted for regulatory review as early as October.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is tentatively planning an advisory panel to meet Oct. 22 to discuss a Covid-19 vaccine.

@Box Ox go ahead and order your MAGA hat now fren.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I keep referring to treatments because they exist. And the fact that there are different types of cancer, different stages of cancer development, different treatments, all means it's not very simple.

Let me try to put it in terms you can understand. When the teacher tells you to pull out the red crayon, and you pull out brown, she tells you, "no jackie, the red one." You don't look at her and say "I either have a crayon, or I don't, it's that simple." The reason you don't respond like that is because it is insane. It denies the even low level of complexity involved in color differences between crayons.

It is not, nor will it ever be, as simple as cancer/no cancer, flu/no flu.
Childish analogy. I repeat one either has cancer or doesn’t.


Light 'em up!
One is either immune or not immune. Partial immunity isn’t immunity!

believe me giphy.gif


I'm a star
This is what you get when cases have steadily dropped for a month and deaths have been flat for month. Look to be headed down

Combined with a desperate wish to see as many people die as possible just to discredit a president. If you look at different states, most are well past the pandemic level. And even the hot spots aren't causing the national average to mirror the earlier spike. The vaccine will come just in time to be pretty much unnecessary.
179,200 dead Americans, 5.796+million infected. America saw 1,170 dead from Trump Flu. The state of TX as led with 226 dead. America will be having its second wave around the time Trump loses the election. DriveInDriveOut has made this thread one of the most successful on Brown Cafe. I thank him for being so easily baited!
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In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
You just might want to rethink about "Who" is easily baited..

DriveInDriveOut appears to be quite good at counterpunching rebuttals and stating his case...


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
179,200 dead Americans, 5.796+million infected. America saw 1,170 dead from Trump Flu. The state of TX as led with 226 dead. America will be having its second wave around the time Trump loses the election. DriveInDriveOut has made this thread one of the most successful on Brown Cafe. I thank him for being so easily baited!
“So easily baited”

so you’re admitting you’re a troll.

that should be good for a ban.
179,418 dead Americans, 5.808+million infected. Trump and the Republicans are getting excited over getting to 180,000 dead this weekend. I thank you too brownslave for making my thread one of the most popular in Brown Cafe history!