Customers Closed, Volume Down


Well-Known Member
My sta is dead. Older people who used to scoff at doing certain stops are now running around to neighbouring routes to see if they want to drop their :censored2:ty stops to them. PTers starting to get very worried extra hours will be gone, starting as early as next week.


Well-Known Member
My sta is dead. Older people who used to scoff at doing certain stops are now running around to neighbouring routes to see if they want to drop their :censored2:ty stops to them. PTers starting to get very worried extra hours will be gone, starting as early as next week.
The part time workers are going to hit the bricks soon. My station is regularly sending them home with report in pay. It's not going to be worth the cost of gas money to even show up for them soon. It's a shame. Lots of good workers.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
So are volumes up or down? Sideways? Is residential getting flooded?
We're getting slammed. Worked 9 straight days finishing by 2300 daily.Some days, I'm done my own route by 1800, then hear a neighbor driver still have 140 stops to go...

I had to take today off to catch up on rest.

Some other drivers were retuning to base past midnight, due to poor planning from their BCs /AOs of not applying teamwork to their staff..

Others will just not contact management and return with 30 to 60 stops and do a no call-no show the next day.

One driver just did a self quarantine 2 days ago.

9 days ago, the # of cases were ~ 500... now it's close to 9,000!

It's getting bad, even though there's less road traffic to deal with


Well-Known Member
The part time workers are going to hit the bricks soon. My station is regularly sending them home with report in pay. It's not going to be worth the cost of gas money to even show up for them soon. It's a shame. Lots of good workers.

our part timers love going home early. Most do not depend on extra hours though.


Just telling it like it is
We're getting slammed. Worked 9 straight days finishing by 2300 daily.Some days, I'm done my own route by 1800, then hear a neighbor driver still have 140 stops to go...

I had to take today off to catch up on rest.

Some other drivers were returning to base past midnight, due to poor planning from their BCs /AOs of not applying teamwork to their staff..

Others will just not contact management and return with 30 to 60 stops and do a no call-no show the next day.

One driver just did a self quarantine 2 days ago.

9 days ago, the # of cases were ~ 500... now it's close to 9,000!

It's getting bad, even though there's less road traffic to deal with

Maybe some of @It will be fine's drivers can come help you guys out. He paints a pretty relaxed picture of current events going on at Ground right now.

Your scenario is a lot more believable than his.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
So FXE will be getting FXG overflow in those areas that are getting Xmas peak season #s ???

I know we're part of that essential workforce in this crisis, but transporting non essential crap on top of food, to, medical supplies is burning out some drivers right now.

I'm not looking forward to 300 stop per day weekends


double tap o da horn dooshbag
A few drivers did already. .. I can max out at 150-160 but it all depends on the area

Thursday, I did overflow from 6 different work areas, the first 5 were spread out over 80 miles / 6 hours . the last route was 60 stops in a 20 mile area that only took 3.5 hours to finish.

With soomany layoffs, this is one that has plenty of work to do. Plus, wife and kids are all doing the remote gigs. And I can actually help those poor drivers from not burning out.

Delivering in a viral hot spot is the only bad thing.


Just telling it like it is
A few drivers did already. .. I can max out at 150-160 but it all depends on the area

Thursday, I did overflow from 6 different work areas, the first 5 were spread out over 80 miles / 6 hours . the last route was 60 stops in a 20 mile area that only took 3.5 hours to finish.

With soomany layoffs, this is one that has plenty of work to do. Plus, wife and kids are all doing the remote gigs. And I can actually help those poor drivers from not burning out.

Delivering in a viral hot spot is the only bad thing.
Be careful out there.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
I drop n run. Those people will get email alerts instantly as I close out the stop.

I also drop and distance myself for signature boxes, asking for the last name to verify & type in the power pad.

Since I'm a cover driver with no regular truck or scanner, I'll sanitize the scanner and steering wheel. If that even helps at all


Well-Known Member
I drop n run. Those people will get email alerts instantly as I close out the stop.

I also drop and distance myself for signature boxes, asking for the last name to verify & type in the power pad.

Since I'm a cover driver with no regular truck or scanner, I'll sanitize the scanner and steering wheel. If that even helps at all
So before you drop over dead from a massive heart attack or stroke leave a message with the coroner telling him that you didn't die from COVID-19.
Got to keep those statistics correct. Might have to wait awhile to be actually buried Some funeral homes are just now putting on a second shift.
Might be a good idea to reserve the better service times. Would be a hell of a thing for your family to have to gather to hold yours 1AM on a Sunday morning two weeks after you died.