Daytona’s first female UPS driver delivers packages for 28 years without an accident


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Daytona’s first female UPS driver delivers packages for 28 years without an accident - Click Orlando

When Holly Hill native Janis Bailey first started driving for UPS 32 years ago, people were not accustomed to see a woman delivering their packages.

“In the early days when I was hired, our customers expected a male representative. I was a 24-year-old girl with a pony tail, and I think that surprised them,” said Bailey. “There was a small pool of us, and we had to prove ourselves. Women weren’t the face of UPS when I first started, but I am so proud that we have more females than ever before working in operations and as drivers.”

Enough women, she said, she’s no longer met with much surprise.

“Not surprised at all. When I started it was disbelief, but not at all now. With a 32-year career I am proof that you should not judge a book by its cover,” said Bailey.


Well-Known Member
She's not that bad looking.
I'd love to take a trip in the time machine and see her 32 years ago.
PS: i call bs on her not having any accidents.


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
We need more woman in the workplace , unfortunately it’s too hard to find a girl that can lift 150lbs. The weight limit is out of control ..70lbs max


Well-Known Member
Ok....6 kids, is that even possible???? Does she do 6 stops a day?
Gotta admit, it's pretty motivating but there are a lot of holes in this story.

Not only did it allow her the flexibility to earn a Master’s degree in criminal justice research while raising a family and working full-time, it taught her a lot about driving safely on the roads.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Gotta admit, it's pretty motivating but there are a lot of holes in this story.

Not only did it allow her the flexibility to earn a Master’s degree in criminal justice research while raising a family and working full-time, it taught her a lot about driving safely on the roads.
Probably a sup

Fuzzy Brown

Well-Known Member
A lady in my barn got her 30 years safe driving award despite having a back first into a car a year earlier, I still respect someone’s ability to do the job for 28 years but I seriously doubt they were accident free all that time unless they spent the majority of their career in feeders.


Well-Known Member
I think best of the person until proven otherwise......Really nice job on her part.....It is harder for a woman than a man to work at ups. consider that for the most part that women are not as strong as men and are expected to do the same job.....the ups culture for a long long time was was not until 1976 that women were hired in the hub I was in......conider that in the military women are not expected to do the same job as men.....maybe that has changed.....I dont thing women max out the marine pft most of us did in the early 1970s....on the other hand there are many many fine women shots......


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I think best of the person until proven otherwise......Really nice job on her part.....It is harder for a woman than a man to work at ups. consider that for the most part that women are not as strong as men and are expected to do the same job.....the ups culture for a long long time was was not until 1976 that women were hired in the hub I was in......conider that in the military women are not expected to do the same job as men.....maybe that has changed.....I dont thing women max out the marine pft most of us did in the early 1970s....on the other hand there are many many fine women shots......
Wut? Sups jump through hoops to accommodate the gals.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Does not seem to be the case where I’m at. They send them out buried just like everybody else.
Never hassled about numbers or taking days off. I've seen heavy pickups (heavy in weight) shifted to other drivers. Never seen that for the male driver with a bad back or knees?

Red Devil

The Power of Connected
Never hassled about numbers or taking days off. I've seen heavy pickups (heavy in weight) shifted to other drivers.

I believe you but that’s absolutely not the case here…I have seen them harass the crap out of small women drivers for overallowed. There are some women “vets” with 10 or so years in who seem to get left alone but they pull their weight. No real high seniority women in package at my building.


Retired 23 years
When it comes to customers the same idiots who wouldn't lift a finger to help a male driver struggling with an arm load of packages to get a door open will jump across a counter and run half way across the store to open the same door for a female driver----as he is talking half her load from her. Seen it happen many times.


Happy Verified UPSer
We had about a dozen or so female feeder drivers out of about 180.
Most of them were above average . They could handle dollies with no problem and the heavy tire chains during snow nights.

Good drivers would help each other regardless of gender.

All new drivers have to earn respect but the females more so.