I agree that dealing with the gang problem would seriously reduce homicides.... but you still seem too hung up on the race aspect of it. The question is WHY do these people join gangs. It's not just because they're African American or his Hispanic. They have no genetic disposition to crime.
If you want to start fighting the gang problem, start by addressing the socioeconomic inequalities that produce an environment where gangs flourish.
I have addressed these problems --countless times before.
Absolute fact : Two main causes for POVERTY- or if you prefer -socioeconomic inequalities--ARE children being born to a single mom --no financial help from DAD nor any loving guidance from him in raising the child--Black community --approaching EIGHT OUT OF EVERY TEN births to single moms.
Second primary cause of poverty -Education. Without the family unit with love and example and accountability --the young man is allowed to DROP out of school --run the streets --father more children --sell drugs, join gangs , commit murder --go to grave or jail. Blacks --highest DROP OUT RATE.
I can go on and on --but if you do not get it by now --you never will. Both causes of poverty --directly related.
Liberals --so good and caring --but your "easy love" has devastated the Black community with government programs that have enslaved them --give them basic shelter and food --the same to any slave or prisoner.
Many of the solutions have to come from the Black community themselves --where are the Black Leaders ?? --and I am not speaking about the ones wearing the ARMANI suits !!!
There is "la-la land -where many liberals live --and then there is the REAL world --with cold hard --undeniable statistics.
Time for all to wake up --People are dying ---especially in the Black inner cities everyday --at the hands of their own --WAKE UP !!!
A female Black Author deals with many of these issues in "BLACKLASH" --a read I highly recommend.
Even Louis Farakhan recognized this problem many -many years ago --tried the Million Man march --did not succeed --but at least he tried !!!!
P.S. Not hung up on race ---Just facts and statistics. If gun murders and crime are a major problem --do an in -depth analysis ---OVER 50% ---Stop taking about Gun control after every shooting of White people --making it political ---with NO ONE CARING about the DAILY CARNAGE in the Black community--are you just trying to win a POLITICAL POINT ????????