DC Navy Yard


Strength through joy
For my CC permit , I had a state police do a background check , I was fingerprinted , I was interviewed by a local cop and I had to get my local police chief's ok .
These were trained professionals who also had medical backgrounds , I think they would have noticed if I was a nut job .


Inordinately Right
tos your Free America concept is already just a memory .
The America of apple pie & cold soft drinks is gone.
barry and more like him have stolen it .
They have turn simple everyday pleasures into a world of endless red tape .
I think everyone who holds an elected office should be required to undergo yearly mental health testing .
Barack Obama stole your apple pie and cold soft drinks?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Barack Obama stole your apple pie and cold soft drinks?

NO, they "stole" it from themselves, when they armed each other up and watched as one by one, their comrades went on rampages and shot up america, and they will continue to watch as more comrades cause more mass shootings over the years killing women, children and innocent men just going to work.

The apples are spoiled in america because of guns, and the soft drinks have been replaced by constant beer ads that destroy the minds of those gun owners who prefer a gun and a beer on weekends.

They robbed themselves of true freedom, which is the ability to walk this country un-afraid of their fellow citizens. Instead, the gun owners of this country fear the very people "they" support possessing guns, and eventually, relinquishing their freedoms to fear of guns.

They want them, but are afraid of them at the same time.

Its a ridiculous scenario, but only a gun owner is lame enough not to understand it.




Well-Known Member
This is about a mentally unstable person. Race has NOTHING to do with it. Those who choose to interject race may have a problem. This should not be a discussion on whether more guns or fewer guns would have led to a different outcome. It should be a discussion on mental health care and the stigma associated with seeking treatment.

When people start to talk about "gun control" and murders-- and imply taking guns away from law abiding people- it is childish and foolish.
Any one with a working brain --would analyze the gun deaths -- and realize that we would save thousands of lives each year- many of them Black Children-- cut gun murders over fifty percent --just by dealing with the inner city gangs.

​No one seems to care about the Daily Carnage-- mainly Black on Black-- yet you say race has nothing to do gun murders--and insinuate that I am a racist---??? Not just clueless -- but also pathetic:dissapointed:


Inordinately Right

When people start to talk about "gun control" and murders-- and imply taking guns away from law abiding people- it is childish and foolish.
Any one with a working brain --would analyze the gun deaths -- and realize that we would save thousands of lives each year- many of them Black Children-- cut gun murders over fifty percent --just by dealing with the inner city gangs.

​No one seems to care about the Daily Carnage-- mainly Black on Black-- yet you say race has nothing to do gun murders--and insinuate that I am a racist---??? Not just clueless -- but also pathetic:dissapointed:
I agree that dealing with the gang problem would seriously reduce homicides.... but you still seem too hung up on the race aspect of it. The question is WHY do these people join gangs. It's not just because they're African American or his Hispanic. They have no genetic disposition to crime.

If you want to start fighting the gang problem, start by addressing the socioeconomic inequalities that produce an environment where gangs flourish.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I agree that dealing with the gang problem would seriously reduce homicides.... but you still seem too hung up on the race aspect of it. The question is WHY do these people join gangs. It's not just because they're African American or his Hispanic. They have no genetic disposition to crime.

If you want to start fighting the gang problem, start by addressing the socioeconomic inequalities that produce an environment where gangs flourish.

They wont do that, WALMART needs to have all its products made in china and manufacturing anything in these gang areas isnt on the drawing board.




Well-Known Member
I agree that dealing with the gang problem would seriously reduce homicides.... but you still seem too hung up on the race aspect of it. The question is WHY do these people join gangs. It's not just because they're African American or his Hispanic. They have no genetic disposition to crime.

If you want to start fighting the gang problem, start by addressing the socioeconomic inequalities that produce an environment where gangs flourish.

An in order to start fixing the social economic inequalities - it has got to start right at home where there is a healthy Mom and Dad, that can teach good morals, and ethics to their kids, who can be hard working law abiding citizens of the USA, who respect their neighbors, and cities where they live in, who can be less dependent in government. You see teaching by example can go along way.

Some of these stereotypes are true, because people are not willing to stop - using their drugs, glorifying the thug life, taking advantage of Obama taking care of you, having bastard kids all over town, being plain and simply laaaazy, disrespecting women, abusing children, victimizing your self, and many other things I can point out that leads to the destruction of a race, or human beings as a whole.

Until people can recognize this, there's just no hope out there.


Strength through joy
Navy Yard shooting: Remembering the victims - The Washington Post

Remembering the victims

Twelve people, plus the shooter, are dead and several others wounded after a shooting rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday morning. We'll continue to add to this page as we gather more information.
Richard Michael Ridgell
Gerald Read
Kenneth Bernard Proctor
Vishnu Pandit
Mary Frances DeLorenzo Knight
Frank Kohler
Kathleen Gaarde
John Roger Johnson
Michael Arnold
Martin Bodrog
Arthur Daniels
Sylvia Frasier


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

When people start to talk about "gun control" and murders-- and imply taking guns away from law abiding people- it is childish and foolish.
Any one with a working brain --would analyze the gun deaths -- and realize that we would save thousands of lives each year- many of them Black Children-- cut gun murders over fifty percent --just by dealing with the inner city gangs.

​No one seems to care about the Daily Carnage-- mainly Black on Black-- yet you say race has nothing to do gun murders--and insinuate that I am a racist---??? Not just clueless -- but also pathetic:dissapointed:
I didn't talk about gun control or taking guns away from law abiding people, so don't accuse me of implying that.

Here's what one of your heroes says is a root cause:

Rand Paul Decries Mandatory Minimum Sentences, Likens War On Drugs To Jim Crow

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It can start by pulling up the pants !!
I saw the interview with the man (black) who paid for this billboard.

Pull Up Your Pants-Billboard -

As usual, you equate this with blacks only as a root cause. Unfortunately, its not a black thing. White kids do this more than blacks in cities all across america.

get a grip.


To correct some of the mis-information in this thread, mental illness is certainly correlated with poverty or overall lower socio-economic standing. I.E. upbringing and surrounding early environment can and often does kindle psychosis in mentally ill people, which may not have surfaced otherwise.

So not only does our system of structural poverty create these types issues, it also stigmatizes/isolates them AND worst of all, refuses to take care of the victims.


Got the T-Shirt
And Island, while you try to lay blame on the "black" community for murders, remember this, the shooter at the naval base is only the SECOND black mass shooter in our history. There is one asian, one woman and 64 WHITE mass shooters in the nations history.



All those crazy white men with guns.... are just crazy.



Got the T-Shirt
BUG, when you repeat lies, people will think you are a liar.

What is inaccurate ?

Chris Kyle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Houston drowned face down in a hotel tub of "extremely hot water" about 12 inches deep, the final autopsy report on the singer's death said. The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Houston's death on the eve of the 2012 Grammy Awards was an accidental drowning with the "effects of atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use" as contributing factors."

Cop: Detective gawked at Whitney Houston's naked corpse - CNN.com


Well-Known Member
I agree that dealing with the gang problem would seriously reduce homicides.... but you still seem too hung up on the race aspect of it. The question is WHY do these people join gangs. It's not just because they're African American or his Hispanic. They have no genetic disposition to crime.

If you want to start fighting the gang problem, start by addressing the socioeconomic inequalities that produce an environment where gangs flourish.


I have addressed these problems --countless times before.

Absolute fact : Two main causes for POVERTY- or if you prefer -socioeconomic inequalities--ARE children being born to a single mom --no financial help from DAD nor any loving guidance from him in raising the child--Black community --approaching EIGHT OUT OF EVERY TEN births to single moms.

Second primary cause of poverty -Education. Without the family unit with love and example and accountability --the young man is allowed to DROP out of school --run the streets --father more children --sell drugs, join gangs , commit murder --go to grave or jail. Blacks --highest DROP OUT RATE.

I can go on and on --but if you do not get it by now --you never will. Both causes of poverty --directly related.

Liberals --so good and caring --but your "easy love" has devastated the Black community with government programs that have enslaved them --give them basic shelter and food --the same to any slave or prisoner.

Many of the solutions have to come from the Black community themselves --where are the Black Leaders ?? --and I am not speaking about the ones wearing the ARMANI suits !!!

There is "la-la land -where many liberals live --and then there is the REAL world --with cold hard --undeniable statistics.

Time for all to wake up --People are dying ---especially in the Black inner cities everyday --at the hands of their own --WAKE UP !!!

A female Black Author deals with many of these issues in "BLACKLASH" --a read I highly recommend.

Even Louis Farakhan recognized this problem many -many years ago --tried the Million Man march --did not succeed --but at least he tried !!!!:sad-little:

P.S. Not hung up on race ---Just facts and statistics. If gun murders and crime are a major problem --do an in -depth analysis ---OVER 50% ---Stop taking about Gun control after every shooting of White people --making it political ---with NO ONE CARING about the DAILY CARNAGE in the Black community--are you just trying to win a POLITICAL POINT ????????:sick:


Well-Known Member
For my CC permit , I had a state police do a background check , I was fingerprinted , I was interviewed by a local cop and I had to get my local police chief's ok .
These were trained professionals who also had medical backgrounds , I think they would have noticed if I was a nut job .

medical backgrounds? Doubtful. At the very minimum LEO have CPR, and basic first aid training. They don't have PHD Psychiatry and Psychology to determine is someone is mentally stable to carry a CC.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
What is inaccurate ?

Chris Kyle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Houston drowned face down in a hotel tub of "extremely hot water" about 12 inches deep, the final autopsy report on the singer's death said. The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Houston's death on the eve of the 2012 Grammy Awards was an accidental drowning with the "effects of atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use" as contributing factors."

Cop: Detective gawked at Whitney Houston's naked corpse - CNN.com

Bringing President Obama into it, with a lie.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

I have addressed these problems --countless times before.
are you just trying to win a POLITICAL POINT ????????:sick:

I have addressed this before as well.

Stop locking up an entire generation or two of Black men for crimes that white people aren't locked up for.

If you criminalized generations, making them ineligible for gainful employment, don't complain that they turn to real crime.