DC Navy Yard


Well-Known Member
tos your Free America concept is already just a memory .
The America of apple pie & cold soft drinks is gone.
barry and more like him have stolen it .
They have turn simple everyday pleasures into a world of endless red tape .
I think everyone who holds an elected office should be required to undergo yearly mental health testing .

This is a very tragic event (the killings), and I do not make light of it at all.
But I could not help this, sorry..


Got the T-Shirt
Crazy liberals.


Journalism professor says he hopes for murder of NRA members' children


Inordinately Right
I have addressed these problems --countless times before.

Absolute fact : Two main causes for POVERTY- or if you prefer -socioeconomic inequalities--ARE children being born to a single mom --no financial help from DAD nor any loving guidance from him in raising the child--Black community --approaching EIGHT OUT OF EVERY TEN births to single moms.

Second primary cause of poverty -Education. Without the family unit with love and example and accountability --the young man is allowed to DROP out of school --run the streets --father more children --sell drugs, join gangs , commit murder --go to grave or jail. Blacks --highest DROP OUT RATE.

I can go on and on --but if you do not get it by now --you never will. Both causes of poverty --directly related.

Liberals --so good and caring --but your "easy love" has devastated the Black community with government programs that have enslaved them --give them basic shelter and food --the same to any slave or prisoner.

Many of the solutions have to come from the Black community themselves --where are the Black Leaders ?? --and I am not speaking about the ones wearing the ARMANI suits !!!

There is "la-la land -where many liberals live --and then there is the REAL world --with cold hard --undeniable statistics.

Time for all to wake up --People are dying ---especially in the Black inner cities everyday --at the hands of their own --WAKE UP !!!

A female Black Author deals with many of these issues in "BLACKLASH" --a read I highly recommend.

Even Louis Farakhan recognized this problem many -many years ago --tried the Million Man march --did not succeed --but at least he tried !!!!:sad-little:

P.S. Not hung up on race ---Just facts and statistics. If gun murders and crime are a major problem --do an in -depth analysis ---OVER 50% ---Stop taking about Gun control after every shooting of White people --making it political ---with NO ONE CARING about the DAILY CARNAGE in the Black community--are you just trying to win a POLITICAL POINT ????????:sick:
I'm not trying to win a political point. I'm not a liberal. I'm not making it about legal gun owners. I have a handgun carry permit and have inherited a good number of guns from my parents and grandparents that mean a lot to me. I still think there should be better background checks for gun purchases, and better training for those who carry in public. Maybe the problem is that neither anti nor pro gun people will give an inch.... It's always this all or nothing attitude from both sides.

About the race issue...I agree with what you're saying, my response was in regards to your first post where you didn't say any of that, you just said that you DO think it is about race:
No one seems to care about the Daily Carnage-- mainly Black on Black-- yet you say race has nothing to do gun murders--and insinuate that I am a racist---??? Not just clueless -- but also pathetic:dissapointed:
I get now that you were just pointing out that a disproportionate amount of the homicides are committed by African Americans. That's not how the statement came across though. I don't think it's all that important that they're black, and more important that they are born into families of poverty and multi-generational dependence. As long as we continue to define people by their race, we will always have one group with more or less rights than another.

While I agree that a lot of the problems go back to the parents, just saying they need to step up and take care of their kids doesn't accomplish anything..... many simply won't, or don't know how because they never had an example of what a good parent is. Better education, which you mentioned, is something we can definitely agree would help. After school programs to keep them off the street seems like common sense too. It's a huge problem that no one solution will fix.


Strength through joy
medical backgrounds? Doubtful. At the very minimum LEO have CPR, and basic first aid training. They don't have PHD Psychiatry and Psychology to determine is someone is mentally stable to carry a CC.

My town requires all cops to be E911 certified and EMT/D certified . They also conduct personal background checks , as did the State Police .
They liked me so much , I was issued a Class A Large Capacity License to Carry Firearms .


Strength through joy
[h=1]Feinstein's Weapons Ban Exempts Shotgun Used by Navy Yard Shooter[/h]Feinstein's bill would not have stopped the shooting at the Navy Yard, because the shooter used a Remington 870. The 870 is one of the most popular pump-shotgun platforms ever made, and Feinstein exempted it to prove she was not trying to take away hunting firearms.


Well-Known Member
I have addressed this before as well.

Stop locking up an entire generation or two of Black men for crimes that white people aren't locked up for.

If you criminalized generations, making them ineligible for gainful employment, don't complain that they turn to real crime.


Get with Reality. 11,500 Gun Murders a year--Blacks commit over 50 percent of them--most black on black.

​For murder you do go to prison--white or Black!!


Well-Known Member
I have addressed this before as well.

Stop locking up an entire generation or two of Black men for crimes that white people aren't locked up for.

If you criminalized generations, making them ineligible for gainful employment, don't complain that they turn to real crime.

Excuses, excuses, excuses! the more people feal like victims of society, the worser they get. The more you help, or try to help people stand on their own feet - the more they take advantage of the situation, and get lazy. People need to fall hard so they can learn a lesson.

Liberals, always think there is some sort of conspiracy, or force beyond the persons control - that leads to their demise.

When quite frankly the only one's in control of our destiny is ourselves, and the responsability for our own aswell.


Well-Known Member
As usual, you equate this with blacks only as a root cause. Unfortunately, its not a black thing. White kids do this more than blacks in cities all across america.

get a grip.
Not in the place I am at, that is about 300,000 population and 50 per cent African American of that 300,000.

So that statement is very untrue. :sad-little:


Inordinately Right
Excuses, excuses, excuses! the more people feal like victims of society, the worser they get. The more you help, or try to help people stand on their own feet - the more they take advantage of the situation, and get lazy. People need to fall hard so they can learn a lesson.

Liberals, always think there is some sort of conspiracy, or force beyond the persons control - that leads to their demise.

When quite frankly the only one's in control of our destiny is ourselves, and the responsability for our own aswell.
O lord.


Strength through joy
Contractor that vetted Snowden says it ran background check for Navy Yard shooter - The Washington Post

USIS, the Falls Church government contractor that handled the background check for National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, said Thursday that it also vetted Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis for his ­secret-level clearance in 2007.

USIS, which was spun off from the federal government in the 1990s, has become the largest private provider of government background checks. With 7,000 employees, the company handles about 45 percent of all background checks for the OPM, congressional staffers say.

A statement late Thursday by the OPM division that handles security checks for most federal agencies said that the OPM has “reviewed the 2007 background investigation file for Aaron Alexis, and the agency believes that the file was complete and in compliance with all investigative standards.”

Lower-level clearances such as the one granted to Alexis typically remain valid for a decade.

The government’s security clearance process is not designed to flag people struggling with mental illness, experts said. The aim of the system is to root out individuals at risk of compromising classified information. Mental-health treatment is not a disqualifying factor .


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Are you suggesting that we should not privatize this sort of thing? Do you prefer that we have a bigger government that retains complete control of all aspects of security logistics?


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to win a political point. I'm not a liberal. I'm not making it about legal gun owners. I have a handgun carry permit and have inherited a good number of guns from my parents and grandparents that mean a lot to me. I still think there should be better background checks for gun purchases, and better training for those who carry in public. Maybe the problem is that neither anti nor pro gun people will give an inch.... It's always this all or nothing attitude from both sides.

About the race issue...I agree with what you're saying, my response was in regards to your first post where you didn't say any of that, you just said that you DO think it is about race:

I get now that you were just pointing out that a disproportionate amount of the homicides are committed by African Americans. That's not how the statement came across though. I don't think it's all that important that they're black, and more important that they are born into families of poverty and multi-generational dependence. As long as we continue to define people by their race, we will always have one group with more or less rights than another.

While I agree that a lot of the problems go back to the parents, just saying they need to step up and take care of their kids doesn't accomplish anything..... many simply won't, or don't know how because they never had an example of what a good parent is. Better education, which you mentioned, is something we can definitely agree would help. After school programs to keep them off the street seems like common sense too. It's a huge problem that no one solution will fix.


This post makes sense to me --but again -by statistical analysis --the poverty and crime and gangs lead to inner city minorities.
We agree that there has to be changes to education ---some of your suggestions do not deal with current reality.

If the parents are not there or do not care --THE STATE -must step in. Bigger Government ? --Does not sound like I am a kool aid right winger!

For all "children" of any race --since they have mandated that they stay on parents healthcare till age 26 --now they should mandate that school attendance is not an option.

Not "charter" schools --but schools designed for disruptive students to teach respect employment trades and how to live in and contribute to society.

Until then --we can put as much money into education --hire more teachers --or make new test scores --all to the same result --FAILURE AND CHAOS!!:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
What a really sad statement to make and then call yourself a "free American". What you are saying is pathetic as a nation. A nation, where we have to fear each other, our fellow citizens because the GUN nuts at the NRA, the GOP congress and senate want everyone armed in a country where mental illness is a serious problem.

What you are saying, is that "We" the citizens of the united states should have to go to work "armed" to protect ourselves from other "armed" nut balls whos number comes up for the latest rampage.

This country is full of sickos with guns. Many of them on this board. Whatever mental state they are in now, in no way can reflect the mental state they will be in when something goes wrong in their personal lives.

The access to guns and the proclivity to use them go hand in hand when someones mental state changes.

And Island, while you try to lay blame on the "black" community for murders, remember this, the shooter at the naval base is only the SECOND black mass shooter in our history. There is one asian, one woman and 64 WHITE mass shooters in the nations history.

While you worry about inner city youths killing each other, I worry about WHITE guys who lose their minds, grab their gun collections and take it out on the rest of FREE AMERICA.

You guys have it all figured out, just arm everyone, that works so well. Just ask somalia.

Ya goofs.



To all goofs,

I will try to explain this so that any six year old and TOS can understand.

The multiple death shootings that TOS references account for approx. 125 deaths over a twenty year period.

In places like Chicago and Detroit we have over 125 murders per month !!
The Liberals --easy dido--like TOS immediately go after gun control when the media jumps on board and the politicians are upset over White people or Children that are shot.

No calls for control of gangs when HUNDREDS are murdered each month and thousands each year in the inner cities --many victims are BLACK.

Lets take race out of it and use MISSED PACKAGES as an example.

Over twenty years 10 drivers have missed 125 packages --multiple packages missed.

Every week and month hundreds of packages are missed by the drivers in the inner cities --totaling THOUSANDS PER YEAR !!

What problem concerning Missed packages needs IMMEDIATE attention ???:happy-very: Tos will still not figure it out !!
To all goofs,

I will try to explain this so that any six year old and TOS can understand.

The multiple death shootings that TOS references account for approx. 125 deaths over a twenty year period.

In places like Chicago and Detroit we have over 125 murders per month !!

I'm not six or TOS but I'll take a crack at this. 125 x 12 =1500.

That sure seems to be a bit more than the actual number of 500 for 2012 in Chicago. Nothing to be proud of but certainly not as ballooned for dramatic effect as in your post. To say Chicago has that number of deaths is a misnomer as the majority of them within city limits occur on the south side in the predominately Black neighborhoods.
Also if the total is factored in by capita of per 100k population then Chicago isn't even in the top ten.


Chicago is not the death trap you folks that toss it's name about make it out to be.


Well-Known Member

Not my point to insult Chicago --- take Detroit with Chicago -closer to my number.

But Getting back to the main point---our inner cities have a tremendous gun violence problem--including the 23 shot in two days in Chicago---Banning gun Ownership by law abiding Americans is not the solution.


Well-Known Member
I'm not six or TOS but I'll take a crack at this. 125 x 12 =1500.

That sure seems to be a bit more than the actual number of 500 for 2012 in Chicago. Nothing to be proud of but certainly not as ballooned for dramatic effect as in your post. To say Chicago has that number of deaths is a misnomer as the majority of them within city limits occur on the south side in the predominately Black neighborhoods.
Also if the total is factored in by capita of per 100k population then Chicago isn't even in the top ten.

View attachment 10080

Chicago is not the death trap you folks that toss it's name about make it out to be.

Has provided us with an excellent map for solving the "missed package problem"

If we want to reduce the "missed packages" by over 50% these are the areas to put all of our effort in.

The left and TOS can stop yelling about taking package cars away from everyone --now that we have identified the major cause of why UPS leads the world in "Missed Packages"

If we reduce our "Missed Packages" by 50% --UPS will have the most packages than any other Company and one of the lowest "Missed package " frequencies in the World.
Lesson Complete. Hopefully my work is done here !!:happy-very: