I have addressed these problems --countless times before.
Absolute fact : Two main causes for POVERTY- or if you prefer -socioeconomic inequalities--ARE children being born to a single mom --no financial help from DAD nor any loving guidance from him in raising the child--Black community --approaching EIGHT OUT OF EVERY TEN births to single moms.
Second primary cause of poverty -Education. Without the family unit with love and example and accountability --the young man is allowed to DROP out of school --run the streets --father more children --sell drugs, join gangs , commit murder --go to grave or jail. Blacks --highest DROP OUT RATE.
I can go on and on --but if you do not get it by now --you never will. Both causes of poverty --directly related.
Liberals --so good and caring --but your "easy love" has devastated the Black community with government programs that have enslaved them --give them basic shelter and food --the same to any slave or prisoner.
Many of the solutions have to come from the Black community themselves --where are the Black Leaders ?? --and I am not speaking about the ones wearing the ARMANI suits !!!
There is "la-la land -where many liberals live --and then there is the REAL world --with cold hard --undeniable statistics.
Time for all to wake up --People are dying ---especially in the Black inner cities everyday --at the hands of their own --WAKE UP !!!
A female Black Author deals with many of these issues in "BLACKLASH" --a read I highly recommend.
Even Louis Farakhan recognized this problem many -many years ago --tried the Million Man march --did not succeed --but at least he tried !!!!
P.S. Not hung up on race ---Just facts and statistics. If gun murders and crime are a major problem --do an in -depth analysis ---OVER 50% ---Stop taking about Gun control after every shooting of White people --making it political ---with NO ONE CARING about the DAILY CARNAGE in the Black community--are you just trying to win a POLITICAL POINT ????????