Decline of the Middle Class


Probably the Greatest American Alive
The decline of the middle class is their own :censored2: fault. Take some frickin responsibility, learn some financial literacy and don't spend what you don't have.


Well-Known Member
We're in agreement.

You're wrong.

Deregulation is a platform for a certain political party, you figure it out.

A big part of the problem is people like you, who insist on taking sides.
But you see Jane, I'm not on anyone's side, because no one is on my side.
View attachment 193251
Except you're always attacking conservatives here, not liberals. Yep, you're a straight down the middle independent.


Well-Known Member
I'm slightly informed on a few things
I try to pass on what others have done for me. I can't say everything I say I'd right but you will never go broke by saving and staying out of debt.
I love how your conversation continues in the middle of the food fight! :)


Well-Known Member
He constantly uses the word "sods." That's short for Sodomites. It's a word Brits use to refer to homosexuals. He thinks it's clever to use terminology like that towards us as we're so oblivious.

Um, the US equivalent to “sod” would be idiot. The British equivalent to idiot would be “nipple.” So quit acting like such a :censored2:ing sod you nipple!