And you celebrate abortion.It doesn’t happen, you’ve been played. Your lawmakers can’t pass anything meaningful so they went back to the abortion well to keep the rubes excited. It’s Republican Thunder Road.
And you celebrate abortion.It doesn’t happen, you’ve been played. Your lawmakers can’t pass anything meaningful so they went back to the abortion well to keep the rubes excited. It’s Republican Thunder Road.
How do you figure? Look, we all know you’re a sucker, just admit this is another con job you fell for and move on.And you celebrate abortion.
And you celebrate abortion. Woman's right to choose my ass. Woman's right to murder her baby. Baby killers.How do you figure? Look, we all know you’re a sucker, just admit this is another con job you fell for and move on.
Pathetic. Not wanting the state to decide medical decisions for women is not a celebration. It’s so easy for you to demonstrate how well they are playing you. Look how emotional you are over a bill that had no chance of passing and everyone knew it.And you celebrate abortion. Woman's right to choose my ass. Woman's right to murder her baby. Baby killers.
Would have if Democrats didn't celebrate murdering babies. And I didn't need that bill losing to hate abortion. It's not a medical decision, it's state sanctioned murder.Pathetic. Not wanting the state to decide medical decisions for women is not a celebration. It’s so easy for you to demonstrate how well they are playing you. Look how emotional you are over a bill that had no chance of passing and everyone knew it.
It’s not any of the National Government’s business anyway.Pathetic. Not wanting the state to decide medical decisions for women is not a celebration. It’s so easy for you to demonstrate how well they are playing you. Look how emotional you are over a bill that had no chance of passing and everyone knew it.
One off the cuff comment. don't understand how decades of positive action negate one off the cuff comment?
decades of positive action promoting women to executive levels in an industry that never promoted women to that level?
what part of that are you struggling to understand?
So you can’t point to a single offending clinic where the doctor has engaged in this this terrible act?
How do you figure? Look, we all know you’re a sucker, just admit this is another con job you fell for and move on.
One off the cuff comment. Ok.
You really are a complete maroon. This will be the last time I reply to you. Keep on hating the white man brother!Then you really has no idea what sexist is.
I’ll assume it is the same limited southern education that limits your understanding of the word “racist” as well.
Which is strange. What difference do the words make? You like the president’s reprehensible actions. May as well wear the titles with pride.
So why don't you do something about it P*.Would have if Democrats didn't celebrate murdering babies. And I didn't need that bill losing to hate abortion. It's not a medical decision, it's state sanctioned murder.
I see you're back on this pointless argument again. Banning abortion outright first requires money and a whole lot of it and every time that issue is brought up the silence out of the mouths of pro lifers is deafening. They know that they will first have to solve the money issue and they can no longer ignore it. Unwanted babies become wards of the state and cared for by Medicaid managed by the state with federal funding assistance. One of the first things the GOP controlled Congress and WH tried to do was to take Medicaid and dump the entire program back onto the states along with a small so called " block grant" which not only wasn't nearly enough but also capped the federal governments funding level leaving the states figure out where the rest of the money would come and significant increases in state and municipal taxes would almost certainly have been the end result.Would have if Democrats didn't celebrate murdering babies. And I didn't need that bill losing to hate abortion. It's not a medical decision, it's state sanctioned murder.
I wasn't aware that parents can just jettison their children onto the state. Give them up for adoption, yes. But just walk away, tell the state to deal with it?I see you're back on this pointless argument again. Banning abortion outright first requires money and a whole lot of it and every time that issue is brought up the silence out of the mouths of pro lifers is deafening. They know that they will first have to solve the money issue and they can no longer ignore it. Unwanted babies become wards of the state and cared for by Medicaid managed by the state with federal funding assistance. One of the first things the GOP controlled Congress and WH tried to do was to take Medicaid and dump the entire program back onto the states along with a small so called " block grant" which not only wasn't nearly enough but also capped the federal governments funding level leaving the states figure out where the rest of the money would come and significant increases in state and municipal taxes would almost certainly have been the end result.
So VT nobody will pay any attention to you or any other pro life extremists until you first solve the funding issue because you're the one always saying the we as a nation spend too much on public services.
And you celebrate abortion. Woman's right to choose my ass. Woman's right to murder her baby. Baby killers.
" I wasn't aware"......You got that right. Putting the kid up for adoption .....great......But what if nobody wants it and who will take care of the kid while they go look for somebody to take it ? What's the state supposed to do? . Give the kid back to the parents who didn't want it in the first place ?I wasn't aware that parents can just jettison their children onto the state. Give them up for adoption, yes. But just walk away, tell the state to deal with it?
Promise?You really are a complete maroon. This will be the last time I reply to you. Keep on hating the white man brother!
it appears you did not deny your celebration of abortions but simply dodged the question. when you see a newly formed beautiful baby do you ever have regrets or feel sad for the ones that were not allowed to be born and were instead removed in pieces from their mothers womb and then discarded in the garbage?
There was no question to dodge, just a baseless personal attack. No I don’t feel sad for hypothetical children anymore that I’d feel sad for a wad shot into Kleenex and discarded in the appears you did not deny your celebration of abortions but simply dodged the question. when you see a newly formed beautiful baby do you ever have regrets or feel sad for the ones that were not allowed to be born and were instead removed in pieces from their mothers womb and then discarded in the garbage?
Found it for you.I don’t know.
You’re a Mod,
Figure it out.
I think the name changes anyway so look for Catatonic.
Nice tryIS anyone surprised?
Those birthers are onto something, and I totally believe everything they say. (fixed it for you)