You people (intentional) are all about individual rights when it comes to the Second Amendment, and you don't want the Federal government imposing any restrictions. But, you cherry pick when it comes to abortion. YES, Federal government, PLEASE come in and get rid of Rowe Vs. Wade. No contradiction, whatsoever. And, you'll pull any dirty trick you can to get your way, including proven fake "abortion" pictures that weren't abortions at all. But, NO, Federal government, don't take away my right to own 35 AR-15's with extended magazines and bump stocks.
Conservatives love to spread lies, when it serves their purposes. Trump is the perfect example. About 80% of what he says are demonstrable lies or falsehoods, yet because he supports your pet legislative concerns like abortion and gun rights, you overlook the POS for what he really is....a con artist and flim-flam man.
Nobody is pulling out pieces of fully formed babies, except in your propaganda.