Democrats Are Becoming The Party of Hate


Well-Known Member
Uhm, how about women quit having kids because they know they can’t run to the abortion clinic when baby daddy cheats on em.
Or how about we make abortion the exclusive domain of the rich and powerful who can climb aboard their private jet and fly to another country to have their abortion performed?


Well-Known Member
After reading all of your comments I noticed that you have never once specifically identified where the money was going to come from to pay for the prenatal and post natal care for scores of unwanted kids as well as having never expressed a willingness to pay more taxes. I admire your pro life rhetoric now let's see you back it up with some money out of your own wallet. Money does the talking in today's politics.

We shouldn't ban murder because it cost too much?


Well-Known Member
I’m so surprised you made a personal attack when your nonsensical beliefs are challenged. A fertilized egg isn’t a life on its own, it’s not viable, see how that works?
I just wish those who advocate murder of the unborn could volunteer to be the victims of such. Will you volunteer?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
OK, Mr. Individual Rights. The whole "after birth" abortion business is a lie. Despite ads and chicanery to the contrary, SCIENCE shows that after conception, the "baby" is just a clump of cells, nothing more. NOBODY is advocating for killing a live baby, or for the LIE spread by the GOP that you can kill a child basically until the moment it leaves the womb.

Maybe you should get your facts straight.
At what distinct point does a “clump of cells” transition into a baby. Your definition, please.

Observation 1: A tumor is a “clump of cells”.

Observation 2: If a pregnant dog were subjected to the same treatment, the ASPCA would scream bloody murder.

Observation 3: You are blessed that your parents disagreed with your philosophy.


Well-Known Member
Uhm, how about women quit having kids because they know they can’t run to the abortion clinic when baby daddy cheats on em.

How about Republicons put their money where their mouth is, and fund sex-education and birth control?

They want it both ways...keep the populace uneducated, remove resources that would restrict unwanted pregnancies, and then scream high-holy murder when people get pregnant.

It’s a scam, bro.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I just wish those who advocate murder of the unborn could volunteer to be the victims of such. Will you volunteer?
Why do you want to kill pregnant women? That’s what you’re advocating when you want to ban abortion. I wish those that advocated killing pregnant women would volunteer to kill themselves. Will you volunteer?


Engorged Member
Or how about we make abortion the exclusive domain of the rich and powerful who can climb aboard their private jet and fly to another country to have their abortion performed?

The rich and powerful have always had access to abortion. They go to the family OB/GYN and then have a D&C procedure, which is really an abortion disguised as an office procedure. Happens all the time.

My former sister-in-law got knocked-up in high school. A fervent Christian in a prominent big church family, Mom took her to the OB/GYN. No more baby.

Think I'm wrong?


Engorged Member
We shouldn't ban murder because it cost too much?

Read my most recent post of D&C procedures. This is how middle class and higher types get their "abortions", disguised as a gynecological procedure. Off the books, totally legal, but absolutely abortion according to Conservatives.

It happens all the time. Nobody in the medical community will admit to it on the record for obvious reasons, but it's abortion for those who can afford it.


Well-Known Member
You people (intentional) are all about individual rights when it comes to the Second Amendment, and you don't want the Federal government imposing any restrictions. But, you cherry pick when it comes to abortion. YES, Federal government, PLEASE come in and get rid of Rowe Vs. Wade. No contradiction, whatsoever. And, you'll pull any dirty trick you can to get your way, including proven fake "abortion" pictures that weren't abortions at all. But, NO, Federal government, don't take away my right to own 35 AR-15's with extended magazines and bump stocks.

Conservatives love to spread lies, when it serves their purposes. Trump is the perfect example. About 80% of what he says are demonstrable lies or falsehoods, yet because he supports your pet legislative concerns like abortion and gun rights, you overlook the POS for what he really is....a con artist and flim-flam man.

Nobody is pulling out pieces of fully formed babies, except in your propaganda.
Have you seen what babies look like at 12 weeks? Who's sticking up for their rights? Sure as hell isn't Democrats.


Well-Known Member
No. Stating scientific fact. It is not a child, but would eventually become a child. Therefore, a clump of cells is not a "child". BTW, I'm no fan of abortion, but a big fan of personal responsibility. Practice proper birth control, and if you're a church girl who gets knocked up, don't have an abortion.
I've seen Hillary herself state in an interview that it's the mother's right to abort until just before birth. That's exactly what the NY law states and what they're contemplating in Virginia, if not already passed. And in undercover videos you have Planned Parenthood administrators talking about selling baby parts to research labs for big bucks. About how to manipulate fetuses to pull out certain desired parts. Those weren't clumps of cells they were speaking of.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Or how about we make abortion the exclusive domain of the rich and powerful who can climb aboard their private jet and fly to another country to have their abortion performed?
We want to make sure the poor and unmotivated have access to and are encouraged to have an abortion.
Almost for sure a Democrat and will suck off the Government.