Democrats Are Becoming The Party of Hate

El Correcto

god is dead
There was no question to dodge, just a baseless personal attack. No I don’t feel sad for hypothetical children anymore that I’d feel sad for a wad shot into Kleenex and discarded in the garbage.
Your sperm isn’t going to develop into a child if left on its own.

Hypothetical children? Let’s test the hypothesis and see what happens when a pregnant woman carries to term.


Well-Known Member

Conservatives love to spread lies, when it serves their purposes. Trump is the perfect example. About 80% of what he says are demonstrable lies or falsehoods, .

according to liberal fact check media sources that hate trump and spend every waking moment attacking trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Your sperm isn’t going to develop into a child if left on its own.

Hypothetical children? Let’s test the hypothesis and see what happens when a pregnant woman carries to term.
A fertilized egg won’t develop into a child if left on its own either. Leave one on your kitchen counter and see what happens.


Engorged Member
speaking for yourself about yourself?

No. Stating scientific fact. It is not a child, but would eventually become a child. Therefore, a clump of cells is not a "child". BTW, I'm no fan of abortion, but a big fan of personal responsibility. Practice proper birth control, and if you're a church girl who gets knocked up, don't have an abortion.


Well-Known Member
No. Stating scientific fact. It is not a child, but would eventually become a child. Therefore, a clump of cells is not a "child". BTW, I'm no fan of abortion, but a big fan of personal responsibility. Practice proper birth control, and if you're a church girl who gets knocked up, don't have an abortion.

I appreciate science , what happens to that clump of cells when they are left to progress? You're not providing me with selective science are you?


Well-Known Member
we shouldnt ban murder because its expensive? Interesting argument
After reading all of your comments I noticed that you have never once specifically identified where the money was going to come from to pay for the prenatal and post natal care for scores of unwanted kids as well as having never expressed a willingness to pay more taxes. I admire your pro life rhetoric now let's see you back it up with some money out of your own wallet. Money does the talking in today's politics.

El Correcto

god is dead
After reading all of your comments I noticed that you have never once specifically identified where the money was going to come from to pay for the prenatal and post natal care for scores of unwanted kids as well as having never expressed a willingness to pay more taxes. I admire your pro life rhetoric now let's see you back it up with some money out of your own wallet. Money does the talking in today's politics.
Thats up for the states to decide.



Well-Known Member
Thats up for the states to decide.

Exactly. Unwanted kids become wards of the state under Medicaid until somebody either adopts them outright or takes them as foster kids and are supported with public tax dollars . And if efforts to cut federal Medicaid support funding are successful the entire matter becomes a state problem including the task of finding a way at the state level to offset the loss of federal dollars.

El Correcto

god is dead
Exactly. Unwanted kids become wards of the state under Medicaid until somebody either adopts them outright or takes them as foster kids and are supported with public tax dollars . And if efforts to cut federal Medicaid support funding are successful the entire matter becomes a state problem including the task of finding a way at the state level to offset the loss of federal dollars.
Uhm, how about women quit having kids because they know they can’t run to the abortion clinic when baby daddy cheats on em.