

Pick a spot, any spot.
Let's just start with the fact no one (at least to my knowledge, given there have been no drafts) forced that person into joining the service during a time of war, and "sacrificing" anything.

Holding that decision against the "99%" who in part do not agree with the senseless global wars of domination and oppression

"occupying" a foreign country, fundamentally, is wrong in itself, and nothing to be proud of.


golden ticket member
Let's just start with the fact no one (at least to my knowledge, given there have been no drafts) forced that person into joining the service during a time of war, and "sacrificing" anything.

Holding that decision against the "99%" who in part do not agree with the senseless global wars of domination and oppression

"occupying" a foreign country, fundamentally, is wrong in itself, and nothing to be proud of.

Disagreeing is acceptable.............making a mess of any city is inexcusable!!


golden ticket member
I had to laugh during the interview of MLK's niece this morning. They asked her about Jesse Jackson and his support of OWS. Jesse is always comparing OWS to MLK's civil rights movement. The niece said Rev. Jackson needs a refresher course, because he's supporting 'civil wrong'.

She said her uncle Martin would not support the violence going on in OWS and his would be a peaceful protest.

Now everytime I see Jackson on TV, spouting, "Martin this and Dr. King that.....I'll think of his niece and what she had to say about Jesse!!


golden ticket member
MLK Niece Rips Jesse Jackson For Invoking Her Uncle And Comparing Civil Rights Movement To Occupy Wall Street…
(Politico) — Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece says the Rev. Jesse Jackson should stop comparing the Occupy Wall Street protests to the civil rights movement, arguing that her uncle would not have condoned the movement.

“I believe that Rev. Jackson is doing a disservice,” Alveda King said on Fox News Monday morning. “My uncle, the whole [civil rights] movement, was founded in prayer, in crying out to God in a peaceful movement. And this [Occupy] movement is not peaceful.”

Jackson visited Occupy protesters in Atlanta over the weekend to show his support and told protesters in Woodruff Park that the Occupy demonstrations were an extension of the King Jr.’s Poor People’s Movement, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporte


golden ticket member
Outrage: Denver Occupiers Dance on American Flag Splattered With Red Paint…Where’s a Chuck Norris-style roundhouse kick when you need one?

DENVER, CO – NOVEMBER 05: Occupy Denver protesters dance on an American flag on November 5, 2011 in Denver, Colorado. Hundreds of the demonstrators marched through downtown Denver, denouncing the U.S. Federal Reserve and urging customers to close their accounts with large banks and deposit their funds into local credit unions. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)


golden ticket member
Occupy London: Protesters Defecate Inside St. Paul’s Cathedral…
What’s with these people crapping everywhere?
(Daily Mail) — Staff at St Paul’s have been forced to clear up human waste inside the cathedral, it emerged today.
They have made several trips with mops to remove the mess found on a carpet inside the church near the West Steps — just yards from the anti-capitalist protest camp.
One cleric furious at the use of the building ‘as a latrine’ said: ‘ This is desecration of a very holy place. it hurts me and it hurts the staff.’
The cathedral workers have met senior clergy to vent their feelings over the clean-up.
St Paul’s has blamed ‘hangers on’ and not protesters at the tented camp which closed one of London’s most iconic attractions for a number of days last month.
Cathedral spokesman, The Rev Rob Marshall, told the Sunday Times: ‘We are aware of these kind of problems and raising them in our daily talks with camp members who we are not presuming at all are responsible.’

Two senior clerics have quit since the Occupy London Stock Exchange camp was set up on October 15 as part of a global campaign against corporate greed.

The cathedral was shut on health and safety grounds, but reopened on October 27.


Blue Jersey - New Jersey progressive politics and news

Occupy Trenton, the 24/7 protest against vast economic disparities now one month old has won its case against the state. Superior Court Judge Mary C. Jacobson has validated the free speech rights of the Trenton protesters maintaining active vigil through all weather. All the supplies confiscated from the occupiers October 14th must now be returned to them by Nov. 14. That's computers and keyboards, cameras and signs - the very elements that define their exercise of this unique protest - as well as the stuff that supplies the occupiers themselves, like medicine, coolers, food and the warm clothes taken from them.

OT's case was taken up by ACLU-NJ Legal Director Ed Barocas and cooperating attorneys Bennet Zurofsky and David Perry Davis. Barocas:

"This is a victory in our efforts to secure full free rights for Occupy Trenton. The state cannot arbitrarily create restrictive policies just because it does not like how people are using a public space."


Für Meno :)
XL Keystone Oli Pipeline delayed now, demostrators asked for yet another review and have gotten it.
Oh well, Alberta should be more concentrated on building the proposed pipeline to the west coast instead, to supply China !


Strength through joy
This news story would even make klein cry.

[h=1]SoCal Street Cart Vendors Hurting After ‘Occupy’ Group Splatters Blood, Urine[/h]KNX 1070′s Tom Reopelle reports a fundraiser in the Gas Lamp district in San Diego on Monday night is aimed at helping two vendors get back on their feet.
The coffee and hot dog carts were located in Civic Center Plaza, the same location as the Occupy San Diego protesters.
That group first settled in to the plaza Oct. 7 and set up a tent city which has since twice been taken down by police.
Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.

And according to one city councilman, bodily fluids were used in the attacks.
“Both carts have had items stolen, have had their covers vandalized with markings and graffiti, as well as one of the carts had urine and blood splattered on it,” said Councilman Carl DeMaio.
The damages will likely require at least a complete cleaning if not a replacement of the cart covers, DeMaio said.
In addition to the attacks, the vendors also said they recently received death threats.
Proceeds from the fundraiser will go directly to help the two business owners.

How dare these OWS attack other 99%ers.


Für Meno :)
No, because I wouldn't be stupid enough to sell near one of those demostrations.
And, I'm honest here, of course they attrack all the homeless and poor people, and these people go there because they expect something for free, even if it's just a place to sleep or feel more secure.

However not all these demostrators are that.... but a lot, esspcially those that have the time to camp out all month long.
Thos ehtta come out on weekends or after work, they are the legitimate ones.


Strength through joy
The carts were there first.
It's the OWS mob that are the trouble makers.
And what did you mean by "
Thos ehtta come out on weekends or after work, they are the legitimate ones."


Für Meno :)
"Those that" typo - sorry.

That's another reason I don't hand out freebies.... because if you do, they'll come back for more and expect it, too.
"Those that" typo - sorry.

That's another reason I don't hand out freebies.... because if you do, they'll come back for more and expect it, too.
Klein, that is exactly what those of the C9 or 10 or 11 , whatever, have been saying about the government handouts. It's only different in the amount of people involved.


Für Meno :)
And I agree to the last 2 responses. There is a fine line to draw, and it's not simple. Work or volunteer for welfare would be a good start.