

golden ticket member
Monday, December 26, 2011 @ 5:40pm
Occupy Wall Street Goons Trash Albany Capital Lights Display On Christmas Eve, Cause $25,000 In Damages…

Class acts, all of them.
ALBANY — Vandals on Christmas Eve inflicted the most extensive damage to the Capital Holiday Lights display in Washington Park in its 15-year history there.

Sgt. Lenny Ricchiuti, who heads the Albany Police Athletic League, which puts on the display as a fundraiser, said 15 light displays were damaged, graffiti was sprayed on corporate sign boards, some of which were destroyed and several power cords were cut.

“We took the signs down and replaced them right away because we didn’t want any kids to see this,” Ricchiuti said.
The damage happened sometime very late Friday or early Saturday in relatively isolated sections of the park.

“We found the damage at about 4:45 p.m. Christmas Eve when we came to power up the displays for the night,” Ricchiuti said. “We got to Lowe’s just before they closed at 6 p.m. and bought $2,000 worth of orange extension cords to replace some of the ones that were cut.”

Police estimated the cost of the damage at about $25,000.

Electricians went to the park on Christmas Day to make repairs to the drive-through display of lighted scenes, some animated, that covers a large section of the park.

“This is by far the worst damage we have ever had to the display,” Ricchiuti said.

Police said some of the graffiti messages seemed to echo themes and slogans associated with the recently ended Occupy Albany protest, including “Stop corporate greed” and “Don’t shop at Wal-Mart.”

“We have no proof of anything at this point, but it does not seem like neighborhood kids would be writing these kinds of messages,” Ricchiuti said.


Strength through joy
Moreluck, what really concerns me is that these fools have not learned from history.
They are nothing but pawns.
Look at every major social revolt, yes at first they achieve their goals, but later on these same protesters are killed by the more goal minded group that takes over after them.
The new order of what they wish for is going to be controlled by the people who want them dead the most.
Sadly , but true.


golden ticket member
Yes, still just like the Tea Party.
Via Aaron Klein:
The hackers known as “Anonymous,” who helped organize and support the Occupy movement’s protests, have released an online a survivor guide for citizens “in case of a violent revolution in your country.”

The guide warns protests can be a “bloody mess.” It trains rioters on how to avoid tear gas, rubber bullets and live ammunition.
The 15-page PDF document claims police will not help protesters and may actually be enemies of the revolution while warning that protest groups may be infiltrated by “fake civilians.”

The Anonymous survival guide was published just before the hacker group claimed Sunday to have stolen thousands of credit card numbers and other personal information belonging to clients of U.S.-based security think tank Stratfor.

Anonymous has promised more infiltrations and hacker jobs, saying it has “enough targets lined up to extend the fun fun fun of LulzXmas through the entire next week.”

The group previously claimed responsibility for attacks on major credit card and Internet companies. It has warned it may try to disrupt the U.S. and global banking infrastructure.

“This Guide is for civilians who feel they are about to be caught up in a violent uprising or revolution to overthrow the oppressive government of their country,” begins the Anonymous survival kit.

“Although a revolution in favor of the people is a joyful thing when seen from the outside, it can be a bloody mess for those inside it,” continued the kit


Strength through joy
And as usual they could care least about the elderly or disable who depend upon the system for their daily survival when they disrupt the financial markets and the services that these people need.


Strength through joy
1. Yoko Ono – $500 million
2. Jay-Z – $450 million
3. David Letterman – $400 million
(tie) Stephen King – $400 million
5. Russell Simmons – $325 million
6. Sean Lennon – $200 million
7. Mike Myers – $175 million
8. George Clooney – $160 million
9. Brad Pitt – $150 million
(tie) Don King – $150 million
11. Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) – $145 million
12. Jane Fonda – $120 million
(tie) Miley Cyrus – 120 million
14. Al Gore – $100 million
15. Roseanne Barr – $80 million
(tie) Deepak Chopra – $80 million
17. Kanye West – $70 million
(tie) Dan Rather – $70 million
19. Alec Baldwin – $65 million
(tie) Matt Damon – $65 million
21. Tom Morello – $60 million
(tie) Mia Farrow – $60 million
23. Katy Perry – $55 million
24. Michael Moore – $50 million
(tie) Susan Sarandon – $50 million
Total: $4.1 billion


golden ticket member
D.C. Police Say Occupiers To Blame For Double-Digit Increase In Violent Crime…
Who says the Occupy parasites didn’t accomplish anything?
(NBC Washington) — The union representing D.C. police claims crime in the District is up, in part because officers are being pulled from neighborhood patrols and reassigned to monitor the Occupy D.C. protests.

Kristopher Baumann, chairman of D.C.’s Fraternal Order of Police wrote a letter to Mayor Vincent Gray stating violent crime is up by 17% and overall crime is up by 14% since protesters moved into the city 3 months ago.

The letter scolded Mayor Gray saying, “Your failure to warn District residents about a double digit spike in violent crime is inexcusable. The public has a right to know when crime is increasing and public awareness can facilitate crime prevention


Well-Known Member
My middle grandson will be marching with his school band in the parade.

It will be a postive memory for him forever.
Oh that others would carry on the traditions of this Country sir.
Rose Bowl Pardade is such a tradition. I KNOW that you so proud and glow with this.

It will be a positive memory for him forever.
Oh that others would carry on the traditions of this Country sir.
Rose Bowl Parade is such a tradition. I KNOW that you so proud and glow with this.
Thank you.
I am proud of him for many reasons, good student and kind to others and many other positive attributes. The band thing I think I am more proud FOR him, he's worked really hard. He's a little guy compared to his peers but has a heart and drive as big as anyone.


golden ticket member
Occupiers Planning To Protest “Extravagant Wealth of The Jet Setters” Near Pelosi’s Ultra-Exclusive Posh Hawaiian Hotel…

What are the odds Pelosi avoids them like the plague?

(Hawaii Reporter) — U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, one of the most powerful supporters of the Occupy Wall Street movement, may be in the right place at the right time to protest with the Big Island branch of the movement, Occupy Hawaii Island.

The former House Speaker is once again spending her holiday at the exotic and luxurious Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu in Kona on the island of Hawaii.

The hotel web site says the resort is a tropical paradise with a spa, beachfront dining, fashion boutiques and a Jack Nicklaus signature golf course. According to West Hawaii Today, she spent previous Christmas holidays in Kona at the same hotel in an elaborate presidential suite that rents for $10,000. Her spokesperson has not disclosed which suite Pelosi is staying in this year, saying such personal information is not released publicly.

Pelosi’s trip coincides with a planned protest by the Hawaii Island occupy groups near her hotel.

Jim Albertini, a well known community organizer, who has held several local protests, writes on his blog: “I just got a report from Kona. There are about 30 private half billion dollar jets parked at the Kona airport. I’m up for a drive over to protest at Kukio and possibly other 1% gated communities just north of the airport. Any others interested in joining me? The 1% pay only a little more to park their jet as it costs us to park our cars overnight. Something is wrong with that picture.”

In an email to supporters this week, Albertini confirmed he organized a protest with “all Hawaii Island Occupy groups” this Saturday, December 31, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the road just south of the Four Seasons/Hualalai Resort.

“It’s time to say to the 1% — PAY YOUR SHARE! At a time when 26% of children on this island are food insecure, this kind of extravagant wealth of the jet setters is SHAMEFUL! Ring in the New Year with friends who care for the people and the planet!” Albertini writes


golden ticket member
(NBC Los Angeles) — Members of the Occupy movement are finalizing plans for a scheduled demonstration Jan. 2 at the Rose Parade in Pasadena.
The movement’s latest plans were announced in November and could bring anywhere from 4,000 to 40,000 protesters to the highly attended and viewed event.

There are four phases to the demonstration, as is described on the Occupy the Rose Parade website. [...]

The demonstrators are planning to form a human float in the shape of an octopus for the third phase, and are expected to trail the final parade float down Colorado Boulevard. The octopus is meant to represent the hold corporations have on the country.

“The last float in the parade is number 43,” said Occupy protester Pete Thottam in a past interview. “We’re going to be float number 44, which coincidentally is the Obama Administration’s float number.”

The Occupiers plan to gather for a pow wow in the final phase of the event, which may include a press conference at Pasadena City Hall and a subsequent music concert.


golden ticket member
Part of the theme song for OWS.............

"Dear kindly social worker,
They say go earn a buck.
Like be a soda jerker,
Which means like be a schumck.
It's not I'm anti-social,
I'm only anti-work.
Gloryosky! That's why I'm a jerk! "
