Saturday, December 31, 2011 @ 6:36 pm | Virginia Elementary School Indoctrinating Third-Graders With Occupy Sing-Along: “They Want More Money, They’re The 1%. . . I’m Happy To Be Part Of The 99%”…
A reader sent over a sing-along pamphlet being used at the Woodbrook Elementary School in Charlottesville, Virginia. Academia indoctrinating college students is bad enough, but to have third-graders sing about class warfare and rail against the one percent is evil and a violation of the trust parents put in them.
Here’s a transcription of the song:
Some people have it all
But they still don’t think they have enough
They want more money
A faster ride
They’re not content
Never satisfied
Yes — they’re the 1 percent
I used to be one of the 1 percent
I worked all the time
Never saw my family
Couldn’t make life rhyme
Then the bubble burst
It really, really hurt
I lost my money
Lost my pride
Lost my home
Now I’m part of the 99
Some people have it all
But they still don’t think they have enough
They want more money
A faster ride
They’re not content
Never satisfied
Yes — they’re the 1 percent
I used to be sad, now I’m satisfied
’Cause I really have enough
Though I lost my yacht and plane
Didn’t need that extra stuff
Could have been much worse
You don’t need to be first
’Cause I’ve got my friends
Here by my side
Don’t need it all
I’m so happy to be part of the 99
I was thinking the same thing.....but let it go.I guess you and I define "brief" differently.
Saturday, December 31, 2011 @ 6:36 pm | Virginia Elementary School Indoctrinating Third-Graders With Occupy Sing-Along: “They Want More Money, They’re The 1%. . . I’m Happy To Be Part Of The 99%”…
A reader sent over a sing-along pamphlet being used at the Woodbrook Elementary School in Charlottesville, Virginia. Academia indoctrinating college students is bad enough, but to have third-graders sing about class warfare and rail against the one percent is evil and a violation of the trust parents put in them.
Here’s a transcription of the song:
Some people have it all
But they still don’t think they have enough
They want more money
A faster ride
They’re not content
Never satisfied
Yes — they’re the 1 percent
I used to be one of the 1 percent
I worked all the time
Never saw my family
Couldn’t make life rhyme
Then the bubble burst
It really, really hurt
I lost my money
Lost my pride
Lost my home
Now I’m part of the 99
Some people have it all
But they still don’t think they have enough
They want more money
A faster ride
They’re not content
Never satisfied
Yes — they’re the 1 percent
I used to be sad, now I’m satisfied
’Cause I really have enough
Though I lost my yacht and plane
Didn’t need that extra stuff
Could have been much worse
You don’t need to be first
’Cause I’ve got my friends
Here by my side
Don’t need it all
I’m so happy to be part of the 99
Get the kids while they are young has been the Liberals agenda. Our colleges are dominated by Liberal professors and our pulbic schools are going the same route. I like some of these quotes:
“The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions.”
― Karl Marx
“We must create out of the younger generation a generation of Communists. We must turn children, who can be shaped like wax, into real, good Communists…. We must remove the children from the crude influence of their families. We must take them over and, to speak frankly, nationalize them. From the first days of their lives they will be under the healthy influence of Communist children’s nurseries and schools. There they will grow up to be real Communists.”
-Communist Party Education Workers Congress
Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.
-Josef Stalin
Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
-Vladimir Lenin
Are you that naive to believe that that our kids are being taught communism in our schools?? LOL. If anything our kids are being taught to be passive little consumers-to -be!! They are being taught that liberty and freedom is just the freedom to choose between coke and pepsi or dems or repubs,etc. Listen our system is just as corrupt as the Soviet model. You are just a true believer in our corrupt system and too instilled with patriotic propaganda to try to change it!!
They are all family.Occupy Iowa Caucus Protesters Storm Democratic Party’s New War Room, Angry Over Claims They Were Denied Meeting With DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz…
Most people try and avoid DWS like she has the bubonic plague, not so with the Occupiers
| Monday, January 2, 2012 @ 3:47 pm |
Occupy Albany Goons Post “Wanted” Poster Threatening Police Officer And Family…
Number of cops receiving death threats from Tea Partiers still zero.
ALBANY — Police are taking steps to protect an Albany police officer whose family has received threats after he was publicly identified for using pepper spray to quell Occupy Albany protesters last week.
A “wanted” poster seeking information including the home address, telephone numbers and “map to home” of Officer Richard Gorleski was posted Wednesday on a Facebook page used by Occupy Albany.
Gorleski’s address and telephone numbers are not publicly listed. But Gorleski’s father, a Troy resident who has the same first name as his son, began receiving unsettling telephone calls from blocked numbers this week. Troy police said they have taken measures to keepwatch on the residence.
“We have, in fact, been in contact with Officer Gorleski about his concerns, and they will be our utmost priority,” said Troy police Capt. John Cooney. “We are aware of Rich’s concerns, and we’re going to take it very seriously and maintain a safe environment for his family, as we would for any person in that position.”
The confrontation took place Dec. 22 after police and city workers flooded Academy Park and began dismantling the Occupy Albany encampment, which had been a fixture across from City Hall and the Capitol since Oct. 21.
They are all family.