

Strength through joy
Also part of the article that you DIDNT print:
Mark Mishler, an attorney working with Occupy Albany, said Thursday afternoon he was not aware of the Facebook posts or the harassing telephone calls.
"Making harassing phone calls is not something Occupy Albany supports or condones," Mishler said. "Just like any other organization or group or movement, Occupy Albany doesn't control what any particular individual does and certainly doesn't control what somebody who's not involved with Occupy Albany does. ... We're building a movement to address the inequities in our society, political inequities and economic inequities. We're interested in building a movement and making change. We're not interested in making harassing phone calls."

So I have to assume that this attorney has a valid list of all the members of this movement ?
If so, time for me to submit a FIOA request.
Nothing like seeing who's who.


Strength through joy
I'm amazed that all these protesters can find the time & money to travel to Iowa, did they all apply for a gov't grant ?


golden ticket member
Wednesday, January 4, 2012 @ 9:50 am | [h=2]Occupiers Plan Gay Pride Parade And “Funeral For The American Dream” To Disrupt New Hampshire Primary…[/h]
Will Obama be the grand marshal? Only time will tell.
DES MOINES, Iowa (The Blaze/AP) — With several attention-grabbing protests before Iowa’s caucuses, Occupy Wall Street activists proved their movement did not end when its encampments in big cities dispersed. But they also showed the group hasn’t matured into a political force, and it’s not clear whether it will become a liberal counterweight to the tea party this election year.

Following Tuesday’s vote in Iowa, on which the movement had little impact, Occupy organizers are pledging to stage more protests in New Hampshire and South Carolina as the presidential nomination process moves east. But the smaller-than-expected crowds, a muddled message that was mostly ignored by candidates, and tactics that seem to limit their appeal raised questions about its long-term viability.

“This is a sign that the way they have been trying to do it probably isn’t going to work,” said Dave Petersen, director of the Harkin Institute of Public Policy at Iowa State University, who said Occupy’s only discernible impact was tighter-than-usual security at Republican events. He said the group needed to develop leaders and a more coherent message if it wanted to make the transition from a grassroots movement to an electoral powerhouse. [...]

In New Hampshire, which holds its primary election Jan. 10, Occupy protesters are planning a gay pride parade Saturday and a “funeral for the American dream” outside a candidate debate the same day. They expect hundreds of activists from along the East Coast to join their events


Strength through joy
According to a recent Harvard Poll, the majority of young voters do not support the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.
An overwhelming 66% of young voters say they are not following the recent uproar of protests, and a mere 33% say that they do.
With approximately 21% who are supportive, it is obvious the left has made this movement much bigger than it really is.
In reality the majority of young voters either do not support the demonstrations or they do not care.
Which is worse? I guess we’ll find out in November.


golden ticket member
Occupy DC Kitchen Shuts Down After Health Department Says Camp Infested With Rats…

How can they tell the rats apart from the protesters?
WASHINGTON, DC (WUSA) — DC’s health director says rats are infesting the Occupy encampment in McPherson Square.

Mohammad Akhter personally inspected the protest zone and said there are signs rodents are thriving there on the food and garbage from the outdoor kitchen.

With winter setting in, he’s worried as well about fires and hypothermia.

Occupiers were cleaning camp, after at least one informal complaint to the Health Department about the mess.

The city struggles to control rodents in the best of times.

And the city’s health director — touring the encampment — says he’s worried the scores of Occupiers living, cooking and eating outside may be feeding the population of rats.

Occupiers deny it. “I was in this park before Occupy began,” says Mark “Bear” Parker. We had rats all the time. A lot of people leave food lying around. You’re going to have rats attracted to it.”

The unofficial Occupy chef has voluntarily shut down the kitchen for now. He’s been trying to lay down some rules for a movement that celebrates it’s lack of leaders.


Well-Known Member
Yeah of course there is vermin in DC and they are mostly on K street!!

Please, DC always had a rat problem but of course you want to blame OWS for that...typical!!


golden ticket member
Yeah of course there is vermin in DC and they are mostly on K street!!

Please, DC always had a rat problem but of course you want to blame OWS for that...typical!!
Rats were thriving on the outdoor kitchen from the protestors..............not just regular old DC rats, but rats attracted by outside food of the OWS people. The vermin wouldn't have been concentrated there if there hadn't been an outdoor kitchen.


golden ticket member
OWS has $300,000.oo left in their coffers and don't know what to do with it. Many have suggested burning it. Idiots.


golden ticket member
Tuesday, January 10, 2012 @ 12:38 pm
Health Inspector: Occupy DC Camp “No Different Than Refugee Camps I’ve Toured In Africa And The Middle East,” Rat Population Continues To “Explode”…
Not the first time we’ve heard about Occupy DC’s growing rat infestation.
(WaPo) — The rat population around the two Occupy D.C. camps at McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza has “exploded” since protesters began their vigil in October, according to Mohammad N. Akhter, the director of the District’s Department of Health.

Akhter said in an interview Monday that city health inspectors have seen rats running openly through both camps and spotted numerous new burrows and nests underneath hay-stuffed pallets occupiers are using for beds. Both campsites had working kitchens for weeks until last week, but protesters at McPherson Square voluntarily closed down theirs after health inspectors pointed out unsanitary conditions during an informal monitoring visit. [...]

Akhter, who is originally from Pakistan and has worked for the District government for over 20 years, said that the situation in the two parks is reminiscent of refu gee camps he has toured overseas in the Middle East and Africa during his public health career. He said he fears disaster could strike during a severe winter storm.

“Going down to these camps, it’s no different than refugee camps,” Akhter said. “People are living in very primitive conditions and they’re doing it by choice. They are very brave and thoughtful people, but my concern is that they should also take care of themselves. When the weather goes bad suddenly we’re watching a tragedy unfold in the middle of Washington, D.C. ”