

Well-Known Member
It must be a coincidence that health inspectors are finding rats and next weeks big rallies in DC by OWS. Reminds me of bloomberg pre empting our D17 anniversary by raiding Zucotti park TWO DAYS in advance on dec 15. Hmmm


Well-Known Member

All you reactionaries do here is post crap about OWS. Granted some of the occupations are not perfect and others were not ready for dealing with many of the problems that exist in our unfair economy: homelessness, poverty, crime, violence, etc. All existing problems that were drawn to occupy sites. Yet you righties only see the problems and embarassing incidents while a brave group of young folk are trying to lead the way to a better society for all of us. Shame on you all!!


Well-Known Member
If they want to create a better society then tell them all to go get a job, and work within the system.

Though some might be without jobs, most do have jobs. Like I have written before, they work their jobs, go to school, etc then go to the occupations afterwards. "Work within the system"?? And get corrupted and coopted by the corrupt two party system. That is what they are trying to replace. I post lots of articles by either occuperis themselves or people close to the movement in order to inform people on here on what is going on and get some response. All I get from you and the Cnile are superficial, grumpy posts!!


Strength through joy
OWS Founder Elizabeth Warren Made $563,000 In 2010…
How very one-percent of her.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren was paid $429,981 as a Harvard law professor from 2010 to 2011 and got nearly $134,000 in consulting fees on legal cases in 2010.
Warren’s new personal financial disclosure report filed recently with the Senate shows she got $90,000 from a Florida law firm for her work as an expert witness in an antitrust case.
She also got $43,938 in consulting fees on a legal case from Travelers Insurance.

Warren said her Cambridge, Mass., home is worth between $1 million and $5 million.
The longtime consumer advocate is the Democratic favorite to challenge Republican Sen. Scott Brown.


golden ticket member
Is this one of Obama's regulations????
New Government Regulation Requires Rats Not Be Killed, Captured In Families And Relocated…

Occupy DC’s roommates overjoyed.
( – Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli says he is worried that a new District of Columbia law that governs how pest control operators must handle rats may result in entire rodent “families” being relocated across the Potomac River into Virginia by D.C. pest control personnel.
Lately, there have been reports of growing rat infestations around the Occupy DC protests at Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square.

Cuccinelli said D.C.’s new rat law–the Wildlife Protection Act of 2010 (Wildlife Protection Act of 2010.pdf) –is “crazier than fiction” because it requires that rats and other vermin not be killed but captured, preferably in families; no glue or snap traps can be utilized; the rodents must be relocated from where they are captured; and some of these animals may need to be transferred to a “wildlife rehabilitator” as part of their relocation process.

The law does not allow pest control professionals “to kill the dang rats,” Cuccinelli told “They have to capture them–then capture them in families. [Not sure] how you’re going to figure that out with rats. And then you have to relocate them. That brings us to Virginia. Now, if you don’t relocate them about 25 miles away, according to experts, rodents will find their way back. Well, an easy way to solve that problem is to cross a river, and what’s on the other side of the river? Virginia.


Strength through joy
Occupy Wall Street protesters announced with great fanfare last month that they moved a homeless family into a “foreclosed” Brooklyn home — even though they knew the house belonged to a struggling single father desperately trying to renegotiate his mortgage, The Post has learned.
“They’re trying to take a house and say the bank is robbing the people because the mortgage is too high — so contact the owner!” fumed Wise Ahadzi, 28, who owns the home at 702 Vermont St. in East New York.
Occupiers “reclaimed” the row house on Dec. 6 and ceremoniously put out the welcome mat for a homeless family.
J.C. Rice
THE OWNER: Wise Ahadzi, with daughters Imani, 3, and Kwazha, 10, is fighting to reclaim his home from OWS.

THE OCCUPIER: With the help of OWS, Alfredo Carrasquillo (top, center) “moved in” with kids Alfredo Jr. and Tanisha. but he was nowhere to be seen when The Post visited last week.

But Bank of America, which has been in and out of foreclosure proceedings against Ahadzi since 2009, confirmed to The Post that he is still the rightful owner.