

golden ticket member
You can't just occupy a vacant building and say it's going to be your headquarters now. Get a job and a real estate agent if you want to BUY property like civilized people do!! (Oakland today)


Well-Known Member
Saturday, January 28, 2012 @ 10:15 pm | Milestone: Number of Occupiers Arrested Breaks Through 6K Barrier…

Costing the taxpayers i.e. the “99 percent” millions of dollars.

Let me clue you in to what actually happens at these "arrests". Most are "planned" arrests. It happens all the time and not just in OWS. Other groups use this method where organizers speak to the cops before hand that they plan on doing something and want a certain number of people of their group to be arrested (like 99) . It is pre planned and without resisting etc. IM just wondering why the obsession with the numbers of arrests?? Does this have some meaning in rt wing land?? Because in OWS and other protest groups, this is a badge of honor to be arrested in the cause of justice!!


Oh by the way , no superbowl victory parades this year.

One of the arguments used against Occupy wall street gatherings is that it cost money in terms of police overtime. Mayor Bloomberg of NYC made the argument that this money spent would mean less firefighters, blah blah blah.

So what's good for the goose should be good for the gander. No superbowl victory parades in Boston or New York. After all, you don't want to put a firefighter out of a job as well as increasing the chances of a fire killing someone do you?


Well-Known Member
I don't think they need to worry about financing the police, they got banks helping out with cash. For instance jp morgan police.jpg
jp morgan police.jpg


Well-Known Member
Police fire tear gas at Oakland, 200 arrested - Yahoo! News

When occupy oakland attempted to convert an abandoned building into a community center for the 99%, the police responded with tear gas and rubber bullets and many arrests. Typical state repression. Im on my way to NYC OWS for a show of collective solidarity. 7Pm at Washington Sq park!!


golden ticket member
When occupy oakland attempted to convert an abandoned building into a community center for the 99%, the police responded with tear gas and rubber bullets and many arrests. Typical state repression. Im on my way to NYC OWS for a show of collective solidarity. 7Pm at Washington Sq park!!

"Attempted to convert" that what they are calling it now??????? It's a vacant Building. Somebody owns it, but they thought it was OK just to take it over so they could make a headquarters. They didn't buy the bldg. They didn't rent the bldg. They were stealing the space!!!!!!!!!!

Someone needs to clue in these creeps that it's not done that way in the real world.

Oh, do you think some of the arrests were for breaking into city hall and while inside, burning some of the city's flags, flipping over a model of city hall, destroying the children's art exhibit? Yeah, real peaceniks they are!!
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Well-Known Member
"Attempted to convert" that what they are calling it now??????? It's a vacant Building. Somebody owns it, but they thought it was OK just to take it over so they could make a headquarters. They didn't buy the bldg. They didn't rent the bldg. They were stealing the space!!!!!!!!!!

Someone needs to clue in these creeps that it's not done that way in the real world.

Oh, do you think some of the arrests were for breaking into city hall and while inside, burning some of the city's flags, flipping over a model of city hall, destroying the children's art exhibit? Yeah, real peaceniks they are!!

Yes some of the arrests were for what some did inside city hall. There are still some who do stupid stuff. That stuff has to stop.


golden ticket member
This is the pledge said while they burned the flag......Their moms must be so proud!

"I pledge allegiance to a flag of the imperialistic, capitalistic dictatorship.
And to the plutocracy for which it stands, depravity owned central bank, under the Jews.
With inequality and injustice for the 99."