

golden ticket member
They mention, no sanctions, no intervention, no about NO MONEY from USA !!
Occupy LA, Other “Progressive” Groups Defend Ayatollah Khamenei’s Right To Build Nukes, Hold “No War On Iran” Rally…
Among the other groups Occupy teamed up with was the Stalinist ANSWER Coalition.
(PressTV) — Hundreds of demonstrators are gathering in Los Angeles for a “No War on Iran” rally.
Activists are calling for an end to intervention, sanctions, and assassinations.
The protest is part of a National Day of Action.

The call is sponsored by Occupy Los Angeles, along with scores of progressive and anti-war organizations.

Mike Prysner is an Iraq War veteran and an organizer with the Answer Coalition.
Prysner says protesters want to stop America from starting another unauthorized war in the Middle East, similar to what happened in Iraq.

Activists say the war drive is based on U.S. imperialism and a desire to control the resources of the Middle East.

The protestors believe that despite US government’s claims, Iranian people are the main targets of the sanctions.

The National Lawyers Guild was on hand to ensure that the police did not infringe on the protesters’ rights.

Police did detain one person for allegedly blocking traffic, despite several witnesses saying otherwise.

Anti-war activists say they’re encouraged by the momentum provided by Occupy groups across the country.


Well-Known Member

As Ive written before, some of the occupations have been infected by "Black Bloc" anarchists. I witnessed a few of them in NYC OWS mostly yelling at the cops as though they were the stand ins for the plutocracy of our corrupt system.

"The corporate state understands and welcomes the language of force. It can use the Black Bloc's confrontational tactics and destruction of property to justify draconian forms of control and frighten the wider population away from supporting the Occupy movement. Once the Occupy movement is painted as a flag-burning, rock-throwing, angry mob we are finished. If we become isolated we can be crushed..." C Hedges
Read the rest of the article at: Chris Hedges: The Cancer in Occupy - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
The occupy movement has already been painted in the hue, maybe totally unfairly and maybe not. The fact is there have been flag-burning, rock-throwing, angry mobs, a lot of lawlessness in the camps and down right filthiness. None of that can be denied. It's easy to, after the fact, lay all this off on black blocs or infiltrations but they are happening in the midst of the occupy people. Even early on in the movement there didn't seem to a concerted effort to distance themselves from the ones giving them the black eye.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member

"Protesters" told the daily caller!! LOL That makes it true!!

“I have nothing nice to say about Local 100. … They just told me ‘you wanna make sixty bucks? So c’mon,’” the protester said.
Other “Occupy CPAC” protesters were unwilling to speak on camera because they were unaware what they were protesting and what the CPAC event was about."

Occupy Protestors Paid to Protest Conservatives - CPAC 2012 - Fox Nation

There's about a dozen sites all quoting the Daily Caller....including I believe it is true!


Well-Known Member
“I have nothing nice to say about Local 100. … They just told me ‘you wanna make sixty bucks? So c’mon,’” the protester said.
Other “Occupy CPAC” protesters were unwilling to speak on camera because they were unaware what they were protesting and what the CPAC event was about."

Occupy Protestors Paid to Protest Conservatives - CPAC 2012 - Fox Nation

There's about a dozen sites all quoting the Daily Caller....including I believe it is true!
Hmmm, what if "daily caller" offered this person $100 bucks to say what he said and stay quiet about it??
Hmmm, what if "daily caller" offered this person $100 bucks to say what he said and stay quiet about it??
got any reports of that? I suppose that is possible though. Just as possible as the so called "black op(or what ever you called them) " plants in the OWS is a "pay for" situation. LMAO


Well-Known Member
got any reports of that? I suppose that is possible though. Just as possible as the so called "black op(or what ever you called them) " plants in the OWS is a "pay for" situation. LMAO

No the "black bloc" are real. They are mostly anarchist types. They too are part of OWS. I as well as others do not agree with some of their tactics. And yes I have seen some "plants" in the crowd who are actually plain clothes cops, but that is nothing new. Tactics by the police have always included such activities.
No the "black bloc" are real. They are mostly anarchist types. They too are part of OWS. I as well as others do not agree with some of their tactics. And yes I have seen some "plants" in the crowd who are actually plain clothes cops, but that is nothing new. Tactics by the police have always included such activities.
I'm not trying to spin your words here, but it sounds like you may be agreeing that the "paid for" protesters are indeed a possibility and not a Paid for" faker?


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to spin your words here, but it sounds like you may be agreeing that the "paid for" protesters are indeed a possibility and not a Paid for" faker?

My point is there is no need to pay members to protest (unless a union pulls you from your job and then pays you for your lost wages,etc to attend a demonstration), there are many willing to go and become involved. Also the daily caller has an ideological case to make so it would be in their interest to create a story where there might not be one for them to run with.


golden ticket member
My point is there is no need to pay members to protest (unless a union pulls you from your job and then pays you for your lost wages,etc to attend a demonstration), there are many willing to go and become involved. Also the daily caller has an ideological case to make so it would be in their interest to create a story where there might not be one for them to run with.
They were pulled from benches....according to the interviewee.....out of work for over a year......said he got $60. I believe him and he's getting another $60 today.