Now it's official , TOS and MFE are The only Rush listeners posting here .
No one else quotes him like they do .
How very sad .
Again they offer no real proof of any sexual misconduct , other than what their twisted brains make up .
They keep quoting the same report from some investigators who are never named as factual proof to satisfy their egos .
And they think that the FBI is never wrong .
Again how very sad .
I'll agree so far we know little settled and proven facts but in time this well could change. Somebody asserting something as fact doesn't make it fact. It seems more about political narrative than a known truth when picking which side to be on.
Ironic that the roles here are reversed as it relates to the police authorities where in places like Ferguson, NY or Baltimore, one side questioned the police and their narrative while the other side almost to the death defended the claims of police as absolute fact and beyond question. Seems to me with Hastert we have a kinda roll reversal.
But to be fair, Gray and yourself do seem to be grasping at straws to defend your own political narrative. Equally true IMO, FexEx, TOS ,et al are doing the same in their own way so there you go. I would also expect either side to disagree with me as well. Go figure huh!
I don't need an inappropriate sexual relationship or a pure paper crime that in and of itself has no victim (I'm in agreement with AV8 on that point for sure) to dislike Dennis the Menace. He did more than enough in his official capacity as Speaker so that I find little about him to like.
But if the claims against Hastert are proven true, other than the sadness for the victims who have to live with the damage, I'll enjoy with pleasure as Hastert gets his. If one must be a conservative/GOP apologist and feel the need to defend the faith via Hastert, my gut tells me too say you need to thread VERY lightly on this one.
I find it interesting the level of child abuse across gov't, public schooling, religious institutions. England has a growing abuse scandal that seems to grow into the highest levels of their society and I can't help but question if we even know the tip of the iceberg yet of our own? We've had several such scandals in Washington and what Snowden divulged to us about the level of survelliance in this country, I'm having a hard time believing these scandals among the power players was any surprise at all. Leaves one to ask who Hastert pi$$ed off and what is behind the take down?