This is from the ABC article.
Sources knowledgeable of the case told ABC News Hastert was paying a man -- still unidentified except as “Individual A” -- hundreds of thousands of dollars to hide that Hastert had engaged in sexual misconduct with him while Hastert was the high school wrestling coach.
Jolene never asked for money from Hastert, but his sister believes that “Individual A” is familiar with what happened with her brother. She does not know who Individual A is, but she said she’s thankful that Hastert’s alleged misconduct is coming to light.
Seems to me the keyword here is "him" or rather who is "him"?
Not to say there are no more victims, hard to think there are only one but BEING EVIDENCED BASED HERE, it appears at the moment we only have the identity and confirmation of one victim in the late Steve Reinboldt. And even this is an accusation and not a proven fact yet. However, we have seen this horse leave the barn before and know how it plays out so I understand assuming the worse here.
Yes, there seems to be someone known as "Individual A" getting money from Hastert and we know Reinboldt died in 95' but what is unclear to me is whether the blackmail was to protect the Reinboldt story, Individual A sez pay me and I stay silent or is "A" himself another victim? We don't actually know that now do we? We can't even identify who "A" even is now can we? And thus my comment on wishful speculation.
It stands a good chance IMO that where there is fire, there is a forest fire but we are at the moment FAR, FAR, FAR off in the distance looking on the horizon and seeing a single column of smoke. Should we jump to the conclusion it's a raging inferno or ask could it be the remains of a smoldering camp fire?
I'm no fan of Hastert either or the GOP and for the record I feel exactly the same of the democratic party and its henchmen/women but if you crucify Hastert on what later proves false assumptions rather than waiting to see what hard evidence emerges, are you not yourself becoming what you so often claim the republicans and folks like Hastert to be in assuming and prejudging others? My original reveling in this whole thing was the simple fact that Hastert and the majority of the herd in Congress set out a trap for others in which it appears now he himself got caught in. Had it been any other member of Congress who voted for the Patriot Act who did the same I would revel equally. In fact, I'd likely revel just on the simple fact they are in the Congress to begin with.