DIAD 6 help


Well-Known Member
report misload then build manifest, I record missed if I don't hear back on packages that are reasonably too far away and then deliver the rest. If someone gives me a bad address or no such person I will record it as such, you can record refused for people but make sure the package is intact and that they have had it for less than a week or two (tracking numbers get reused) If they give me a proper misdelivered residential package from yesterday I will deliver it same day. Bad slaps get a missed scan and go in the office so that they can change the tally over to an error in the SPA sort.

Some more, err, sketchy scenerios are recorded misdeliveries between large bulk stops from separate routes, drivers usually will just give these pickup scans the next day and keep rolling. It's a bit of a back-rubbing contest: the center does not care to do all the work for every time 1 package between a set of 200 piece stops gets misdelivered and would rather sweep it under the desk, plus they probably don't show up on any kind of audit report.

I actually have a question of my own: I've been recording them missed so far but packages that are not supposed to be getting delivered on Monday getting misloaded into the Saturday route: logic would be that it's not a service failure but there is no way of recording it as such.
“Every package, every day!” If they put it out for deliver, it’s getting an attempt or a legit scan. Which would be missed. If it wasn’t supposed to be dispatched then no doubt someone will fix that problem later…but I’m not going to not sheet it.


Well-Known Member
I actually have a question of my own: I've been recording them missed so far but packages that are not supposed to be getting delivered on Monday getting misloaded into the Saturday route: logic would be that it's not a service failure but there is no way of recording it as such.
Sheet anything going out for delivery as said above.

If you have multiples just ask on the DIAD what to do with them. If you get a call telling you not to sheet them, tell them you need to see those instructions messaged to you on the DIAD. Then you can take a picture of that message.